Court of Justice of the European Union

Official website of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The site explains the the organisation, jurisdiction and procedure of the Court of Justice and General Court and provides their rules of procedure and practice directions. All the courts' case law is available (including decisions of the now-defunct Civil Service Tribunal) via numerical case indexes and a separate case database. For cases decided from January 2012 onwards, there are authenticated electronic reports (the Electronic Reports of Cases, or 'e-ECR').


Europa is the official website of the European Union and its homepage is a portal to EU information and documentation. The site explains how the EU works and gives details of its policies on all topics. The EU Law section explains how laws are made and provides links to EU treaties, legislation and cases. The Publications section includes official reports, statistics and other documents. There is also a section providing information for businesses. The site is run by the European Commission on behalf of the EU as a whole; it is available in all the official EU languages.

Bar European Group

Website of the Bar European Group (BEG), a specialist bar association of the Bar of England and Wales relevant for those practising or interested in European law and issues surrounding the European Union. The site gives information about BEG's activities, details of events and other relevant material. The site also has membership information and a page of related Web links.

Summaries of EU legislation

This section of the EU's Europa portal provides summaries of EU legislation in all policy areas. The information is arranged by subject, including agriculture, competition, employment and social policy, human rights, the internal market, regional policy and transport; these subjects are further sub-divided by specific area of law. Each section has an introduction to the policy, an outline of the legislation, details of relevant policy documents and information about future developments. Links are provided to the legal texts and official documents mentioned.

CVCE (Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe)

The CVCE website brings together resources relating to the history of European integration. Based at the University of Luxembourg, the CVCE website covers key events in the history of Europe and the development of the European Union, Western European Union, Council of Europe, European Free Trade Association and Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Primary source documents, treaties, papers, cartoons, photographs and multimedia clips are provided. The section "ENA and Education" includes online textbooks, courses and lectures.

Archive of European Integration

The Archive of European Integration (AEI), maintained by the University of Pittsburgh, is an online repository of documents relating to the development of the European Union. It consists of EU official documents - such as green and white papers, treaties and reports - and independently-published materials such as conference papers, working papers and journal articles. The Archive can be searched by keyword, or browsed by topic, year, or document number.

Vabariigi Valitsus

This is the official website of the Estonian Government. The site includes details of the Cabinet of ministers, their biographies and areas of activity, and news and press releases. Also included are details of current activities, including plans and projects, mission and priorities, economic and foreign policy, and Estonia's relations with NATO and its membership of the EU.

Council of the European Union

The Council of the European Union is the principal decision-making body of the EU. It is composed of government ministers from each member atate. The Council's website has a news section and pages devoted to key policy areas. The Documents and Publications section of the site includes an Agreements (treaties) Database and a register of internal documents. Information is provided about Council meetings; Inter-Governmental Conferences, the European Council; and current, past and future holders of the Presidency of the EU.

University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)

The University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) is a UK-based organisation for both academics and practitioners. It promotes research and the establishment of research networks, provides a forum for debate. The website has a Resources section providing videos, podcasts, blogs, and advice for PhD students and early career researchers.  The Publications section links to the Association's open access journal, Contemporary European Politics, and other journals; it also includes blog posts, and lists recent books by UACES members.

Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

This is the website of the Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Union, which manages the EU fisheries policy and the integrated maritime policy. It links to microsites for fisheries and maritime affairs which include full-text policy documents, legislation, reports and other publications, press releases, speeches and funding opportunities. Some of the publications are downloadable as PDF files.

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