Court of Justice of the European Union

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Official website of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The site explains the the organisation, jurisdiction and procedure of the Court of Justice and General Court and provides their rules of procedure and practice directions. All the courts' case law is available (including decisions of the now-defunct Civil Service Tribunal) via numerical case indexes and a separate case database. For cases decided from January 2012 onwards, there are authenticated electronic reports (the Electronic Reports of Cases, or 'e-ECR'). The Court's annual reports and statistics are also available on the site. The News section includes case summaries, press releases and future court schedules. The Library and Documentation section includes a link to Dec.Nat, a database of national case law concerning EU law. A digest of cases (the RĂ©pertoire de jurisprudence communautaire), an alphabetical listing of subject areas and references to published case commentaries are available, but only in French. The interface and much of the content are in all the languages of the member states.

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