Government bodies

Representació de S.E. El Copríncep Francés

Website of the French co-prince of Andorra. The French president and the bishop of Urgell act as joint heads of state of the principality. This site gives contact details for the current representatives of the president, a history of Andorra and a list of the French co-princes back to the fourteenth century. There is a full text copy of the Constitution of Andorra and an outline of the functions of the co-princes. The site can be viewed in French or Catalan only.

Bisbat d'Urgell

Website of the bishop of Urgell who is the episcopal co-prince of Andorra. The French president and the bishop of Urgell act as joint heads of state of the principality. The site gives an outline of the role of the co-princes along with brief information on the Constitution, General Council and the government. The site can be viewed in Catalan or Spanish only.

Parliament of Ghana

Official website of the Parliament of Ghana. There is information on the history of the Ghanian parliament, profiles of mps and an outline of how laws are made. A selection of full text legislation is given along with recent order papers and entries in Hansard. Details of the various committees are also given and policy briefs, fact sheets and budget statements can be viewed in full.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Website of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) a membership organisation of Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures which promotes parliamentary democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The site gives information on the CPAs work which includes conferences, online courses, workshops and webinars along with the development of publications, toolkits and handbooks. Programmes are aimed at parliamentarians and parliamentary staff and focus on parliamentary practice and procedure.

USMCA Secretariat

Website of the Secretariat established by the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) which is an updated version of the North American Free Trade Agreement of January 1 1994 (NAFTA). The Secretariat has sections focusing on the United States, Mexico and Canada. It provides administrative support and administration of the dispute settlement process. The USMCA and NAFTA can both be viewed in full on the site along with the rules of procedure, code of conduct and procedural forms. There are links to related organisations and a selection of FAQs.

League of Nations Archives

Comprehensive digitised archives of the League of Nations (predecessor of the UN). Includes all documents produced or received by the League of Nations from 1919 to 1946, material relating to the refugee work of Fridtjof Nansen, and documents of external bodies established by the League. Digitised maps, sound recordings and photographs are available as well as text documents, and each item has been catalogued in detail. Basic and advanced search facilities are provided and the material can also be browsed by category.

Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Website for the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), an intergovernmental organisation made up of 11 member states: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.  The site provides background information about CIS, including details on its history and leadership, as well as a news section covering current projects and areas of cooperation between member countries.  There is a searchable register of documents containing full text CIS resolutions, treaties and other material dating back to 1991.  Do

AICHR - ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights

Website of AICHR, the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, a body set up in 2009 whose aim is to promote cooperation between ASEAN member states on human rights. It describes the history and purpose of the organisation, and includes news relating to recent AICHR meetings, current areas of focus and other events. The site provides access to documents such as its five-year work plans, annual reports and activity reports amongst others, which can be downloaded in Word or PDF format. 

Northern Territory Attorney General’s Department

Website of the Attorney General’s Department of the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia. The Department covers the NT courts, tribunals, correctional services, regulatory services and the Director of Public Prosecutions. The site gives links to the court websites which include daily lists and decisions. There are justice publications, information on the work of the NT Law Reform Committee and information aimed at legal practitioners.

Government of Norway

Official website of the Norway government which provides access to all government ministries and the Prime Minister’s office. Details of the government including a list of MPs are given along with information on the governments of Norway going back to 1814. There are links to government documents including white papers, consultations and committee reports. A link is given to Lovdata where Norwegian legislation can be viewed. The site can be viewed in Norwegian, Icelandic and English.

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