Government bodies

Court Documentation and Education Department

Website of the Court Documentation Centre of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This provides selected decisions from Bosnia and Herzegovina courts and from the European Court of Human Rights for the Western Balkans. Other materials available include full text laws and codes and other legal publications of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is also a map showing war crimes that have been legally concluded in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Website of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina which was established in 2002 to deal with issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the state – eg. terrorism, war crimes, human trafficking and organised crime. The site has profiles of the judges, laws, cases and other documents relating to the Court. The site can be viewed in English, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian.

British Indian Ocean Territory

Website of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) Administration. BIOT, also known as the Chagos Archipelago, is a British overseas territory in the Indian Ocean. The site has information about the US-UK military base and the history and governance of the archipelago. It provides a few issues of the BIOT Official Gazette and has an Ordinances page that was under construction at the time of writing. There is also information about British government policy, environmental matters and scientific studies.


The SHERLOC (Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws on Crime) website has been compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). It’s aim is to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Convention’s three protocols and the international legal framework against terrorism.

Corte Suprema di Cassazione

Website of the Italian Court of Cassation, providing information about the court and its administration. The ‘Servizio Online’ page gives links to Italian legislation, cases and other legal resources, including SentenzeWeb, a database of civil and criminal cases decided by the Court of Cassation in the last five years.  

Law Reform Commission

The role of the Mauritian Law Reform Commission (LRC) is to keep the law of Mauritius under review and to make recommendations for reform. LRC reports are available to download from the website with recent reports covering anonymity of individuals in court judgements and discriminatory laws against women in Mauritius. Annual reports, newsletters and press releases are also given. 

Mauritius National Assembly

Official website of the Mauritian National Assembly which, together with the President, forms the Parliament of Mauritius. The site has profiles of MPs and the Speaker along with a copy of the Constitution and legislation back to 2009 which can be viewed in full. Other parliamentary proceedings including order papers, Hansard, parliamentary questions and details of committees are also given. 

Attorney General’s Office of Mauritius

The Attorney General's Office website has information about the role of the Attorney General, services provided and the functions of other office holders within the department. Ethics codes for barristers and attorneys working in Mauritius are given along with links to other Mauritian legal websites. Laws of Mauritius can be viewed including the Constitution, acts revised to 2017 and recent acts as passed. Recent bills are also available. 

Internationales Recht

International law section of the German Foreign Office website, giving details of the multilateral treaties for which Germany is the depositary, under ‘Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Verwahrer mehrseitiger völkerrechtlicher Verträge’, and providing a small selection of documents relating to German state practice in international law, under ‘Aktuelle Völkerrechtspraxis Deutschlands’.

Venezuela National Assembly

Website of the unicameral National Assembly of Venezuela (Asamblea Nacional) which is composed solely of a Chamber of Deputies. The site has profiles of the deputies and information on the make up and work of the various committees. Laws dating back to the early twentieth century can be viewed in full and there are national and international news items. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

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