Government bodies

Monegasque Cooperation for Development

This site provides information on Monaco’s Department of International Cooperation and the principality’s international development policy. Details of flagship projects are given and there is a searchable map showing where project assistance is targeted. Newsletters, occasional publications and a selection of links are also given. The site can be viewed in English and French.

Illinois Courts

Official website of the courts of the US state of Illinois with sections covering the work of the supreme court, appellate courts and circuit courts. There are full text opinions of the supreme court back to 1996, details of justices, committees and commissions as well as policies, standards and rules. Opinions, rules and details of justices are also given for the appellate courts. Annual reports and caseload statistics are given for all courts. Information relating to the Illinois Judicial College and state law schools is also given.

National Crime Agency

Website of the National Crime Agency (NCA), an operational crime-fighting agency which investigates serious and organised crime in the UK. The site gives information on the work of the NCA and the type of crimes they investigate including cyber crime, fraud, drug trafficking, money laundering, illegal firearms and child sexual abuse. Statistics, suspicious activity reports and other publications are also available on the site.

International Atomic Energy Agency

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was set up in 1957 and has its headquarters in Vienna. It is a international organisation within the UN System. The IAEA website provides a wide range of information about the role and structure of the agency and details of its programmes and education/training. It also gives full-text access to publications and official documents: nuclear treaties, reports, country factsheets, the IAEA Legal Series, the quarterly IAEA Bulletin and other material, including digitised older titles from around the 1960s onwards.

Universal Postal Union (UPU)

The Universal Postal Union (Union Postal Universelle) was created in 1874 and is located in Berne, Switzerland. It is the second-oldest international organization in the world. The purpose of the UPU is to provide a primary forum for the postal service sector and to ensure that a network of up-to-date services is provided. Its website provides information about the structure and role of the organisation and makes available its documentation and publications. A terminology database, Termpost, provides a multilingual vocabulary relating to postal services.

United Nations Population Fund

The United Nations Population Fund, or UNFPA, is the UN agency responsible for advancing sexual and reproductive health. It also focuses on issues such as child marriage, female genital mutilation and gender-based violence. The Fund’s website describes its work and makes available reports, briefings, guidance, statistical data, news and other material. The site is provided in English, Spanish or French.

National Security Appeals Panel

This archived section of the superseded website includes decisions by the National Security Appeals Panel (NSAP). The NSAP was part of the Information Tribunal. It heard appeals against certificates issued by  ministers of the British Crown on national security grounds. It was replaced by the First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights) in 2010.

Government of the Russian Federation

English version of the Russian Government website. There is information about the prime minister, along with details of meetings and events he has attended. Details of other Russian ministers and ministries are also given, in addition to summaries of recent government decisions and a news page. The Russian-language version of the site has fullter content, including a database of resolutions and an extensive Legislative Activity section (click on 'Pyc' to switch to the Russian version of the site). 

Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura (CSM)

Website of the Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura (Superior Council of the Judiciary), a body established under the constitution to ensure the autonomy and independence of the Italian judiciary. The site has information on the composition of the CSM and the judicial councils along with an outline of the Italian judicial system. It provides relevant legislation, including the Constitution, as well as internal regulations and documentation from conferences and meetings.The site can be viewed in Italian only.

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