Government bodies

Romanian Ministry of Justice

Website of the Romanian Ministry of Justice, the government department with responsibility for the administration of justice and the judiciary. Background and organisational information on the Ministry of Justice is given, along with relevant legislation and caselaw. There are guides and manuals on judicial cooperation between Romania and the EU and links are given to full-text versions of the various legal codes, including the Civil Code, Criminal Code and Insolvency Code.

Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales

Official website of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (until 2013 known as the Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales), the body responsible for carrying out reviews and making proposals for changes in local government areas in Wales. The Commission carries out three types of review - boundary reviews, electoral reviews and community reviews - which can be viewed on the site. There is also a consultation portal where it is possible to register to make representations on draft proposals.

Biblioteca del Poder Legislativo

The Biblioteca del Poder Legislativo is the library of the Parliament of Uruguay, and is also open to the public. The collections include national and foreign law. The library’s website has information about its history and provides access to the online catalogue. It also makes available a collection of digitised documents of historical and cultural importance, including some legal material.

Parlamento del Uruguay

Official site of the Uruguayan Parliament. Provides background information about the structure, role and work of the Parliament including the Senate Chamber, Chamber of Representatives, General Assembly and related Commissions, together with a wide range of legislation, documents and minutes, which can be searched by keyword or title. The website is in Spanish only. 

Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)

BEREC is an EU body based in Latvia which is responsible for the regulation of electronic communications markets. Its website provides background information and news about its work. The Documents page makes available all publicly-available BEREC documentation, including decisions, recommendations, statements of best practice, opinions, reports and more; there is also a facility for requesting access to internal documents.The website has also has details of BEREC consultations and information about net neutrality. It is in English only.

European Committee of the Regions

The Committee of the Regions (COR) is the European Union’s assembly for representatives of regional and local authorities across the EU member states. It advises on new EU legislation concerning cities and regions. The COR website provides details of plenary sessions, a list of current members, a collection of studies published from 1999 onwards, information about current and closed consultations. There is also a link to the COR’s Electronic Document Register (under Engage – Resources – Access to Documents).

European Economic and Social Committee

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is an EU consultative body, representing social and economic interest groups. It issues opinions on draft EU legislation. The EESC website provides information about its plenary sessions and about meetings of its special-interest sections and groups and the Commission on Industrial Change. The Our Work section of the site makes available EESC opinions, studies, reports, position papers, plenary session summaries and other documents.

WTO Guide to Documentation

Guide to WTO and GATT documentation, produced by the World Trade Organization’s Information Management Service. Explains how WTO/GATT documentation is organised and gives details of official document references, or ‘symbols’; also covers sales publications (as opposed to official documents). Gives an overview of key titles, such as Basic Instruments and Selected Documents and the Analytical Index to WTO dispute cases, with links to online versions (where available). Provides indexes and schedules, including a full list of all document symbols.

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