Government bodies

Copyright Tribunal of Australia

Website of the Australian Copyright Tribunal which is an independent body administered by the Federal Court of Australia. The Tribunal’s jurisdiction covers statutory and voluntary copyright licences and the site includes full text decisions back to 1981. There is also a list of Tribunal members and links to Australian copyright legislation and other intellectual property resources.

Australian Competition Tribunal

Website of the Australian Competition Tribunal which is a review body managed by the Federal Court of Australia. The Tribunal hears applications for review of determinations of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission concerning issues such as exclusive dealing and company mergers and acquisitions. The site includes a list of members, practice directions, links to full text competition legislation and documents relating to some of the cases being dealt with by the Tribunal. Full text decisions back to 1997 are also made freely available on the site.

PANDORA: Australia's web archive: law & regulation

Law and Regulation section of Australia’s web archive, PANDORA. Provides a collection of hundreds of archived websites and resources on the subject of law and regulation, including Australian government websites (both federal and provincial) and the Australian Bar Association website, as well as individual official reports, collections of legislation and other publications. Each archived site or publication in the Law and Regulation section of PANDORAis listed in alphabetical order.

Prime Minister’s Office

This English-language version of the website for the Icelandic Prime Minister’s Office includes translations of the Constitution of the Republic of Iceland, the Administrative Procedures Act (No. 37/1993) and the Information Act (No. 140/2012). It also provides policy summaries, news and basic information about the Prime Minister’s Office.

East African Court of Justice

The East African Court of Justice is the judicial body of the East African Community. Its website provides judgments from 2005 onwards; they are listed in alphabetical order and can be filtered by year and/or type of case. The News section of the site provides lists of pending cases as well as press releases. The website also makes available procedural rules, the Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Community Common Market, the Protocol on the Establishment of the East African Customs Union and the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community.

Modernisering Wetboek van Strafvordering

This section of the Dutch government website covers the reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Wetboek van Strafvordering), a major project that began in 2014. An overview of the reform process is given and a collection of documents is provided, including drafts of parts of the new code, explanatory memoranda, consultation documents and discussion papers. There is also a News page. All the information on the site is in Dutch only.

Undercover Policing Inquiry

The Undercover Policing Inquiry was established in 2015 to investigate the effects and regulation of undercover policing in England and Wales since 1968. This site provides transcripts of evidence given to the Inquiry and hearings that have been held to date, and a link to the House of Commons statement that established the Inquiry. There are also links to directions, rulings, notes and orders issued to date by the Chairman of the Inquiry, Sir Christopher Pitchford.

Parliament of Sri Lanka

The official website of the Parliament of Sri Lanka. The site has a comprehensive “How Parliament Works” section including a brief history of the parliamentary system, as well as an overview of the electoral system. Users can search or browse for acts and bills, which can be downloaded for free in pdf form, and the constitution can be viewed in full. Committee reports dating back to 2004 are also available. The site is available in English, Sinhala or Tamil.

Korean Intellectual Property Office

The official website of the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the government agency responsible for dealing with intellectual property law and issues in South Korea. The site offers an overview of the Office’s history and outlines its structure and activities. There is a small section with English versions of key Industrial Property legislation. Annual Reports are available dating back to 2000, as well as the Office’s statistics (such as patent registrations) from 1948.

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