Government bodies

Companies Court

Website of the Companies Court which is a specialist court within the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice and covers cases relating to the insolvency of companies in England and Wales. The Court deals with petitions to wind up a company, applications to unfreeze bank accounts or challenges to winding up petitions and applications to restore a company to the register. There is guidance on liquidating a company, restoring a dissolved company, compulsory liquidation and cancelling a winding up order. Forms, contact details and daily cause lists are also given.

Commercial Court

Website of the Commercial Court a specialist court within the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice. This Court deals with complex national and international business disputes covering issues such as contracts, insurance, sale of commodities, import, export and carriage of goods, arbitration awards and construction of ships. There is guidance on taking a case to the Commercial Court, Civil Procedure Rules and a daily cause list.

Patents Court

Website of the UK Patents Court which handles intellectual property cases concerning patents, registered designs and plant varieties. This court is part of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice. The site provides guidance on taking a case to the Patents Court, Civil Procedure Rules relating to intellectual property claims, hearing dates and contact details for, and profiles of, Patents Court judges.

Netherlands House of Representatives

This is the English language version of the Netherlands House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal) website. The site outlines the role of the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Cabinet and provides information on how the Dutch parliament works, how elections are conducted and how bills become law. A separate document outlines the parliamentary rules of procedure. There are also profiles of all MPs and the Speaker and information on the work of the various committees.

Netherlands Judicial System

This is the English language version of the Netherlands Judicial System (De rechtspraak) website. The site outlines the roles of the different courts in the Netherlands- the District courts, Special tribunals, Appeal courts and the Supreme Court. There is information on the Council for the Judiciary which is the body that represents the interests of the courts in the public and political arena. Full text legislation concerning the justice system in the Netherlands is also given along with a selection of related articles and reports. 

Netherlands Government

This is the English version of the Dutch government website. There is information organised by a wide range of topics including human rights, Dutch nationality, treaties, housing, police and education. These headings provide access to policy information and links to the relevant ministry. Information about the various government ministries includes profiles of key personnel, how the ministry is organised, details of policy areas covered and documents concerning the work of the ministry eg. forms, fact sheets and reports.

Netherlands Senate

This is the English version of the Dutch Senate (Eerste Kamer der Staten-Generaal) website. There is information on the role of the Senate and how the bicameral system works in the Netherlands. The main role of the Senate is to scrutinise bills but the site outlines the other functions the house performs. There is a document setting out the rules of procedure of the Senate and links are given to the rest of the website which can be viewed in Dutch only.

Romanian Chamber of Deputies

Website of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania (Camera Deputa ilor) which is the lower house of the Romanian parliament. There is an introduction to how the Chamber of Deputies works with information on the role of the various committees and groups, the Speaker and members and other parliamentary activities. There is a full text copy of the Romanian Constitution. These parts of the site can be viewed in Romanian, English and French. Other sections of the site including parliamentary debates, bill tracking and links to legislation can be viewed in Romanian only.

International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Ukrainian International Commercial Arbitration Court (ICAC) is an independent arbitration body dealing with disputes arising in the field of international trade. The site provides the rules and statutes governing the ICAC and full text versions of international treaties- the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards and the European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration. There are Ukrainian laws relating to international commercial arbitration some of which can be viewed in English.

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