
European Public Prosecutor’s Office

Website of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), the independent public prosecution office of the European Union, which is responsible for “investigating, prosecuting and bringing to judgment crimes against the financial interests of the EU”. The crimes investigated include fraud, money laundering and corruption. A section setting out the EPPO’s legal framework  includes links to the EPPO directive (established the EPPO) and the PIF (protection of the union's financial interests) directive which sets out which crimes the EPPO deals with.

EPPO-LEX The legal research library on the European Public Prosecutor's Office

The EPPO-LEX website is a private initiative aimed at legal practitioners and researchers working with the EPPO Regulation (Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939) which established the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. The EPPO is responsible for investigating and prosecuting financial crimes against the EU. There is an annotated version of the Regulation which includes explanations and links to relevant provisions of the EPPO’s internal Rules of Procedures, other relevant EU legal acts and decisions of the EPPO College and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

Luxembourg Justice Portal

Portal to Luxembourg judicial information provided by the General Prosecutor's Office. There is an outline of the judicial system with information on the judiciary and the various courts. Practical information is given aimed at people coming into contact with the judicial system covering both criminal and civil issues. There is also guidance on employment law. Full text judgements of the Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation and Administrative Courts can be downloaded from the site. The site can be viewed in French only.

Luxembourg Jurisprudence

This section of the Luxembourg Justice Portal provides access to law reports of the Constitutional Court, Court of Cassation and the Administrative Court. The cases are given in full and can be searched by keyword or browsed by date. Case summaries of a selection of Court of Appeal cases are published in a series of bulletins on the site. A selection of cases from the Court of Cassation between 1892 and 1900 are available as digital images. The site can be viewed in French only. 


LERIS (Letzeburger Rechts Informations System) is a bibliography of the law of Luxembourg, covering journal articles, book chapters and other legal writing from 1581 to the present day. It can be searched by key word, author, title and/or other criteria. The contents can be sorted and browsed by author, title or date. LERIS is provided free of charge by the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance at the University of Luxembourg. It was developed by André Prum and is managed by Christian Deprez.


IPEX is an online platform for the exchange of information between the European Parliament and the parliaments of the EU member states. The IPEX website's Documents Database covers draft legislative proposals, consultation documents and other material from the national parliaments, the European Parliament, the European Commission and other bodies.

European Parliament Public Register of Documents

Online register of internal European Parliament (EP) documents. Though launched in June 2002, it covers documents from the around the late-1990s onwards. The Public Register is searchable by key word, author, document type, reference number and other criteria. Many of the documents are available in full; where this is not the case members of the public can apply for access via the Request a Document page. The Public Register website also provides the European Parliament’s annual reports and resolutions on public access to documents, from 2002 onwards.

The Luxembourg Government

The official website of the Luxembourg government. The website contains information about the political system in Luxembourg as well as government publications, documents and news. It also includes a section listing government ministries, outlining the ‘mission’ of each ministry and providing contact details. The site can be viewed in French, German, English and Luxembourgish.

European Forum of Official Gazettes

European Forum of Official Gazettes website. The service was developed in 2004 by the organisations responsible for publishing the official gazettes of the European Union Member States and the EU Publications Office with the aim of exchanging ideas and information on publication processes, technology and best practices between the official publishers. In addition the Forum includes information about selected legal gazettes of countries outside the European Union. The Forum secretariat is provided by the EU Publications Office in Luxembourg. Access involves self-created account.


An electronic journal and resource guide concerned with Internet and the legal and regulatory aspects of the global market and information technology, edited by Richard Swetenham. Papers, news stories and links published in the journal, deal with topics such as: copyright, data protection, liability and protection of minors with reference to individual countries worldwide as well as comparative and international perspectives. Articles are linked from headline news stories arranged by date and may be accessed via an alphabetical list of subject categories.

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