Research centres and projects

Haymarket Affair Digital Collection

The Haymarket Affair Digital Collection has been created by the Chicago Historical Society and is made freely available on their website. The Haymarket Affair refers to the violent confrontation between protestors supporting striking workers and the police which took place in Chicago's Haymarket Square in May 1886. The protestors were convicted after a bomb was thrown and several police killed.

Institute of European and Comparative Law

Website of the Institute of European and Comparative Law, a specialist research centre based at the University of Oxford whose aim is to enhance the Law Faculty's teaching and research activities in the field of European law. The site gives profiles of academic and administrative staff and research fellows at the IECL along with details of courses and publications. There is information on conferences and events taking place at the Institute including online materials from past events.

Centre for Competition Law and Policy

Website of the Centre for Competition Law and Policy (CCLP) at the University of Oxford. Teaching and research focuses on competition regulation in the UK, EU and US, as well international aspects of competition law and antitrust economics. Training programmes on competition law and policy are offered to practitioners, judges, academics and students. The site has profiles of staff and details of conferences, workshops and lectures taking place at the CCLP.

Financial Law Institute

Website of the Financial Law Institute a research and teaching unit within the Faculty of Law at Ghent University in Belgium. Research activity at the Institute is focused on company and financial law and covers regulation, corporate governance and banking law. The site provides profiles of Board Members and working papers are made freely available on the site from 1999 onwards in PDF. The more recent papers are provided via the Social Science Research Network.

Justice Project

Website of The Justice Project (TJP), a Washington-based independent campaigning organisation which seeks to foster fairness and accuracy in criminal cases. The Project's work is focused on reform of the death penalty. The site has information on the staff and work of the TJP. Current activities are focused on areas of the criminal justice system where mistakes could be eliminated.

Justice for the Poor

Website of Justice for the Poor (J4P), a World Bank research and development program concerned with the promotion of legal reform in Kenya, Sierra Leone, Indonesia, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. There is information on the different aspects of law covered by the program including land and natural resources, conflict, crime and violence, local governance, gender, customary law and labour disputes. There are also pages detailing the work being done in each country. Briefing papers and reports can be downloaded from the site.

International Institute of Humanitarian Law

Website of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, an independent not-for-profit organisation based in Italy. The Institute's activities include research; the training of civil and military personnel on international humanitarian law, human rights, refugee law and migration law; and the organisation of conferences and meetings. The site has background information on the history and principles of international humanitarian law and the right to humanitarian assistance, along with materials from events hosted by the Institute.

Griffith University Innocence Project

Website of the Innocence Project at Griffith University in Australia. The aim of this pro-bono project is to bring lawyers, law students and academics together to help free innocent persons who have been wrongly convicted in Australia.The site has profiles of Board Members and gives details of programmes and courses offered by the Project. There are references to articles produced by staff on the Project some of which are given in full text.

Carbon Capture Legal Programme

Website of the Carbon Capture Legal Programme (CCLP) a project developed by the Centre for Law and the Environment at University College London. The purpose of the project is to provide information on and access to key legal materials concerning Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). This collection is now hoted by the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute.

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