Research centres and projects

Centre for International Sustainable Development Law

The Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) is based at McGill University Faculty of Law, Montreal. CISDL carries out research into the international law of sustainable development as it relates to trade, investment and competition; natural resources; biodiversity; climate change; human rights and poverty; peace, justice and governance; and health. Its website explains its remit and gives details of its activities.

Ínsan Haklarí Hukuku Uygulama ve Arastirma Merkezi

The Human Rights Law Research Centre was established at Istanbul Bilgi University in 2000 to develop and promote awareness of human rights law in Turkey and internationally. The website has information about its events, courses and projects. The Publications section provides the Centre's reports (in Turkish), together with details of books from Bilgi University's  Human Rights Law Studies series and books related to the Centre's projects. The site is in Turkish and English, with some content in Turkish only.

ASSER International Sports Law Centre

The ASSER International Sports Law Centre, part of the TMC Asser Institute in the Netherlands, carries out research and provides consultancy services, teaching and training. The research is interdisciplinary; in the field of law it embraces comparative law, public and private international law, EU law and international commercial arbitration. The website provides information on the work of the Centre, its staff, academic partners, events, conferences and publications.

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