Research centres and projects

Global Database on the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement

Website of the Global Database on the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, a Joint project between the Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement and the Institute for the Study of International Migration in the United States. The site provides FAQs and background on internal displacement, historical information on the Guiding Principles and legal annotations to the Guiding Principles. The full text of the Guiding Principles can be viewed online in PDF.

Research Committee on Sociology of Law

Web pages of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL), a research committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA) concerned with socio-legal research. The site has information on the history of the RCSL, copies of its statutes and details of past presidents. Contact details are given for Board members and there is information on forthcoming conferences and meetings. Copies of the RCSL newsletter can be downloaded from the site in full text (PDF) and there are links to related associations, research bodies and journals.

Open Access Law Program

The Open Access Law Program is an initiative of Science Commons a publishing project promoting "free access to scholarly literature without undue copyright and licensing restrictions". The site provides access to a range of principles and agreements that authors and publishers can adopt. These include the Open Access Law Journal Principles, the Open Access Law Author Pledge and the Open Access Model Publishing Agreement.

Centre for Criminal Justice Studies

The Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, established in 1987, is an interdisciplinary research institute at the University of Leeds. Resources that can be accessed from the site include annual reports and summaries of recent research papers. The site also provides a publications list, news and information about conferences and public seminars. In addition there is events information and an extensive list of links to related websites.

Center on Law and Security

Website of the Center on Law and Security a think tank based at the New York University School of Law which brings together academics, practitioners and policymakers in the fields of law and security. The site has organisational information, profiles of faculty and staff and details of courses and publications of the Center.

Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism

Website of the Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism (INSCT) an interdisciplinary research centre concerned with law and policy issues relating to national and international security and counterterrorism. INSCT is based at Syracuse University, New York and the site provides information on faculty and staff at the Institute, academic courses and conferences and events. Details of publications by members of INSCT are given along with links to full text articles and related journals.

Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law

Website of the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law (CIPIL) at the University of Cambridge. The CIPIL was established in 2004 to expand the work of the Intellectual Property Unit and carries out research into all aspects of intellectual property and information law, as well as holding conferences and seminars. The site gives information on research being carried out at the Centre and references to publications written by CIPIL members. There are details of intellectual property related events and a selection policy documents are provided.

Center for Jury Studies

The Center for Jury Studies is a research organisation and project funded by the National Center for State Courts in the United States. The Center provides technical assistance to state and local courts on jury system management. Examples of this work can be downloaded from the site. Topics covered include representation of ethnic minorities on juries, juror stress, hung juries and the impact of Employer Tax on increasing the size of the juror pool.

Center for Empirical Research in the Law

The Center for Empirical Research in the Law (CERL) at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, Missouri, is concerned with the study of law and legal institutions using quantitative research methods. The site gives details of staff and the academic and technical expertise available at CERL. There is information on current and past research projects, including the Supreme Court Forecasting Project, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) litigation analysis and the Martin-Quinn Scores of judicial ideology.

Martin-Quinn Scores

Website of the Martin-Quinn scores project at the Center for Empirical Research in the Law (CERL) at Washington University School of Law. The Martin-Quinn scores have been developed by Andrew D. Martin (Washington University) and Kevin M. Quinn (Harvard University) to measure judicial ideology and increase understanding of the politics of the Supreme Court. The site provides an introduction to the project, datasets showing the Martin-Quinn scores from October 1937 onwards and guidance on how to replicate this analysis.

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