Non profit organisations

International Institute for the Unification of Private Law

Website of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), an independent intergovernmental organisation based in Rome. The site presents information on the work of UNIDROIT and makes available the texts of its model laws and conventions (with status information). UNIDROIT proceedings and papers are provided from 1994 onwards and there is a searchable and browsable index to the organisation's journal, Uniform Law Review, from 1974 onwards.

Association for Civil Rights in Israel

This independent, non-partisan Association was seeks to strengthen Israel's commitment to civil liberties and human rights. Its website provides summaries of cases ACRI has been involved with relating to equality, religious pluralism and freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, freedom of information, human dignity and due process of law. It also has information about the Association's projects, education programmes and public outreach services. There are also articles, press releases and reports to download. The site has Hebrew, Arabic and English interfaces.

Derechos Human Rights

Web pages of Derechos Human Rights, an organisation which campaigns against violations and provides information about human rights around the world, particularly in Latin America. The site can be browsed by subject or country. Subjects include the death penalty, the disappeared, freedom of speech, economic and social rights and the impunity of violators. There are country headings for Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Spain, United States and the European Union. There is a collection of articles and a human rights blog.

Genocide Watch

Web pages of Genocide Watch, a non-governmental organisation based in Canada. Genocide Watch seeks to confront and counteract acts of gender-selective mass killing, such as female infanticide, by raising public awareness, doing research and producing educational resources. Several case studies are available on the site, giving background information, some maps, photographs and accounts of cases of gendercide in Kossovo, Srebrenica, Rwanda, Montreal, maternal mortality and female infanticide, among others.

Minority Rights Group International

The Minority Rights Group International (MRG) is a non-governmental organisation based in London. It conducts and publishes research on minority rights issues, provides training and education and conducts litigation. MRG has consultative status with the UN Economic and Consultative Council (ECOSOC). The website provides MRG publications, a blog, news and details of relevant court cases.

Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (CCJS)

The Centre is "an independent charity at King's College London that informs and educates about all aspects of crime and the criminal justice system". CCJS publishes the 'British Journal of Criminology' and produces a quarterly magazine, 'Criminal Justice Matters' .The site provides online access to the centre's publications and a list of archived publications. There is an events diary listing forthcoming conferences, seminars and meetings on criminal justice; and a news section giving access to press releases, articles, and consultation responses.


Website of Liberty, an independent non-governmental organisation which works to defend and extend individual rights and freedoms in England and Wales. Liberty's activities include campaigning, test case litigation, parliamentary work, and the provision of free advice and information. The site has information on key human rights issues including torture, terrorism, privacy, asylum, discrimination, free speech and human rights after Brexit. There is information on the campaigns Liberty is currently involved with along with full-text policy papers and briefings.

Campaign for Freedom of Information

The Campaign for Freedom of Information is a UK based non-profit organisation which is calling for greater transparency in government. Its website provides details of its activities and news of current parliamentary legislation relating to freedom of information in local and central government, whistle-blowing, data protection and issues relating to access to personal information. It includes briefings and reports produced by the campaign relating to the Freedom of Information Bill and Act which provide critical commentary on its coverage and provisions.

International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes

Website of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), which was established in 1966 under the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States. The site describes the history, mission and work of the organisation. It makes available the text of the Convention and a list of signatures and ratifications, as well as ICSID rules, regulations and model clauses. There is a database of pending and concluded cases as well as a database of basic information about bilateral investment treaties.

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