Non profit organisations

Court Challenges Program of Canada

Website of the Court Challenges Program of Canada a non-profit organisation which helps to fund important court cases relating to language and equality rights under the Canadian Constitution. There is background information to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the role of the courts. Sections of the Charter and the Constitution relating to equality and language rights are highlighted on the site.

Trade Justice Movement

Trade Justice Movement is a campaigning group which opposes the rules and regulations governing world trade and it critical of the World Trade Organization. It wants justice in trade, not "free trade". It is an umbrella group of organisations, including Christian Aid and the World Development Movement.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice

Website of Asian Americans Advancing Justice a non-profit organisation whose stated aim is to "advance the human and civil rights of Asian Americans through advocacy, public policy, public education, and litigation". The site gives details of projects they are concerned with including affirmative action, anti-Asian violence, immigration, voting rights and welfare reform. Resources on hate crime include FAQs, a checklist for victims and related web links. Profiles are given of the Board of Directors and the National Advisory Council.

Indian Law Resource Center

Website of the Indian Law Resource Center a non-profit law and advocacy organisation based in Washington, D.C and Montana. The site gives information about the staff and Board of Directors of the Center along with details of work being undertaken which focuses on indigenous peoples and covers issues such as sovereignty, environment, land rights, human rights and land reform.


Justice is a law reform and human rights organisation based in the United Kingdom. Through independent research, briefings and interventions, the group seek to develop the law, influence public policy, and promote human rights standards in the civil, criminal and administrative justice systems in the UK. Its work covers human rights, discrimination, asylum, privacy and socio-economic rights. The website gives details of current and past areas of work and provides briefings, reports and other information. 

Child Care Law Center

The California based Child Care Law Center (CCLC) is a non-profit organisation that focuses on the legal issues affecting childcare. The CCLC describes itself as "a legal resource for the local, state, and national childcare communities" and provides advocacy, training and information.The CCLC produces a quarterly newsletter called Legal Update. This is made freely available on the site in PDF and deals with legal developments affecting childcare law.

Nine to Five. National Association of Working Women

Nine to Five : National Association of Working Women is a membership organisation based in the US whose aim is to campaign to end sexual harassment and discrimination and to win better wages, working conditions and family-friendly policies. The site contains information and news on all aspects of women at work and provides some general advice to women who believe they have been victims of sexual harassment and discrimination.

Child Labor Coalition

Child Labor Coalition is an American website which provides educational materials about children working in agriculture. It explains why many children work in agriculture and why it is so often unhealthy, socially isolating or harmful. Using some emotive descriptions, it describes what life is like for many of these children. It gives a good definition of what is child labour and what is not.

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