Non profit organisations

Open Democracy Advice Centre

Website of the Open Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC) a joint initiative between the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), the Black Sash Trust and the University of Cape Town Law Department. ODAC's aim is to promote freedom of information and government accountability, support whistleblowers and provide training and advice on the Protected Disclosures Act and the Promotion of Access to Information Act. The website provides full-text copies of the acts (in HTML) along with the regulations, forms and user guides.


This is the official website of the Estonian Consumer Protection Board, responsible for the rights of consumers and their interests, and consumer policy in accordance with UN and EU consumer policy. The site features news and press releases, and an overview of consumers' rights and protection policy. In addition there is appropriate legislation including the Consumer Protection Act, the Food Act, and the Advertising Act. Also included are details of International Cooperation, and annual reports and statistics.

New York Legislative Service

Website of the non-profit research organisation the New York Legislative Service which focuses on New York State and New York City law and legislation. There is information on the site about NY Legislative Service publications and services. The site briefly explains various aspects of the New York legislative process and provides links to New York state and city government agencies.

Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA)

The website of the Hungarian Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA). EMLA is active in raising public awareness and participation, providing legal advice and representation, developing environmental NGO networks and environmental consulting. The website has information on the history, structure and activities of EMLA, and details of how to join the organisation. Information for researchers on joint projects, internships and use of the EMLA library is provided. Brief details of specific programmes and case summaries are also available, as are copies of EMLA's annual reports.

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)

The Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG) is is a Montreal-based independent research and media group of progressive writers, academics and activists who are critical of globalisation and the New World Order. In their view, globalisation and war are connected and lead to a concentration of private wealth. This site exposes the activities of global banks, financial institutions and multinationals. There are articles on the latest news events. There are archives of earlier news articles and links to other websites with similar sympathies to CRG.

Center for Reproductive Rights, The (CRLP)

The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRLP) is a non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to promoting and defending women's reproductive rights worldwide. It focuses on human rights, abortion, contraception, adolescents and female circumcision/genital mutilation. The website provides information about legislation and court decisions as well as publications, press releases and a newsletter; it includes a continually-updated World Abortion Laws map. The site is available in Spanish or English.

Center for Democracy and Technology

Website of the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) a non-profit organisation based in Washington DC in the United States whose stated aim is "to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital age". The CDT is concerned with issues such as free expression, privacy, digital copyright, cryptography and data mining. There are policy briefs and news items relating to the CDT's work along with full text reports and articles and links to relevant legislation. There is background information about the CDT's Board of Directors and Advisory Committee.

Environmental Defense Fund

The Environmental Defense Fund is a non-profit organisation which "since 1967, has linked science, economics and law to create innovative, equitable and cost-effective solutions to society's most urgent environmental problems." The website provides general information about the organisation and its areas of work. Information on the site includes blogs, podcasts and RSS feeds, as well as fact sheets and a news and publications archive.

World Organization Against Torture

The World Organization Against Torture is a non-profit human rights advocacy group described as the "main coalition of international non-governmental organisations (NGO) fighting against torture, summary executions, enforced disappearances and all other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment".The website provides access to policy documents, reports and events covering their main programme areas. These include the rights of the child, violence against women, assistance to victims and addressing the economic, social and cultural causes of torture.

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