Non profit organisations

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women

The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women is a feminist human rights non-governmental organisation that works internationally to oppose all forms of sexual exploitation. Their website contains recent news relating to trafficking in women, a list of international contacts, publications and statements, campaign news, and a factbook on global sexual exploitation. Available in English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

Death Penalty Information Center

Website of the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC), a non-profit organisation providing analysis and information on issues concerning capital punishment. The Center was founded in 1990 and prepares in-depth reports, fact sheets, resources, statistics and press releases on the death penalty. Subjects covered include, clemency, innocence, juveniles, mental illness, race and women. A state-by-state database provides information on whether individual states have the death penalty, the number of people on death row and the number of executions since 1976.

Coalition for the International Criminal Court

The Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) is the primary NGO provider of online information about the International Criminal Court. There is a link to the International Criminal Court (ICC) website detailing stages in its implementation. The site provides organisational, historical and general information on the ICC along with details of updates and developments, current cases and situations.There are documents from the United Nations, governments and non-governmental organizations accessible on the site.

United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC)

The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (UNECOSOC) is an organ of the UN which aims to promote higher living standards and find solutions to international economic and social problems. Its website contains a description of the role of the body within the wider organisation of the United Nations, its current activities and members. It also contains the full-text of all its official resolutions since 1982 and all sessional documents from 1994 onwards. The latter include details of welfare programmes and economic surveys of particular areas of the world.

EFFweb: The Electronic Frontier Foundation

EFF, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, is a non-profit, non-partisan organization working in the public interest to protect fundamental civil liberties, including privacy and freedom of expression, in the arena of computers and the Internet. EFF was founded in 1990. The site contains a large archive of material relating to electronic civil liberties arranged by topic. Topics include areas such as intellectual property, free speech; freedom of expression on the Internet. The archives contain copies of articles, papers, legislation, speeches, and other information.

Save the Children

Save the Children champions children's rights in more than 50 countries, including the United Kingdom. In the short term it provides emergency relief; in the long term its aim is to make children and families self-sufficient by promoting development. The site includes news and press releases, list of publications, a site for young people, hot topics, and frequently asked questions.

InterAction : American Council for Voluntary International Action

InterAction is a 'coalition of more than 150 non-profit organizations working worldwide and a leading advocate in the U.S. for humanitarian assistance to the world's poor.' The site includes information on the latest humanitarian emergencies, InterAction's Development Division projects, links to development-related and other external sites, extensive details of forthcoming events, InterAction publications and also access to many of the articles from 'Monday Developments' - InterAction's biweekly publication.

Womankind Worldwide

Womandkind Worldwide is a UK charity devoted to empowering women to to improve their lives and lift their families and communities out of poverty. Womankind works closely with 55 partner community groups in 15 developing countries and funds projects that address local issues. All projects involve familiarising women with their rights and enabling them to use their rights to benefit their daily lives; when necessary projects also lobby for new legislation to protect women or improve their status.

International Labour Organization (ILO)

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations which seeks to promote employment rights, human rights and social justice. The website gives details of the ILO's history, structure and work programmes. It provides numerous free databases of labour-related information and documentation, including national labour laws, international labour standards, treaty information, statistics and a bibliography compiled by the ILO Library.

Amnesty International

The webpage of Amnesty International (AI), an independent charitable organisation that plays a specific role in the international protection of human rights. The site has sections for campaigns, news releases, a complete listing of national and local AI groups, and the option to sign up for regular newsletters or RSS feeds. The Library gives access to a number of documents and reports, most available in full text online. There is also a special section for Media.

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