Law reports

Ombudsman Says

The Ombudsman Says website is a joint initiative of HouseMark and the ombudsman schemes dealing with housing issues: the Housing Ombudsman Service; Local Government Ombudsman; Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. The site provides free access to case digests for the housing sector. Case digests can be browsed by ombudsman service, topic or type of tenure. Topics include tenancy management, adaptations, anti-social behaviour, housing benefit, repairs and rent and service charges. The cases can also be searched by keyword.

European Commission: Competition

Website of the European Commission’s Competition Directorate-General, covering six policy areas: antitrust, cartels, mergers, state aid, liberalisation and international matters. The site includes a substantial database of Commission competition decisions, together with lists of national court cases concerning EU competition law. It also provides EU competition legislation, reports, studies, press releases, notices from the Official Journal and additional information.


Dec.Nat is a database of information about national courts' decisions relating to European Union law. Provided by the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union, it covers more than 20,000 decisions, from 1959 to the present. Each record gives details of the court, parties, case references, subject and legislation considered, together with law report citations. The full text of the decision is not included. Dec.Nat. is available in English and French.


The JURE (JUrisdiction Recognition Enforcement) is a database of case law developed by the European Commission. It is now part of EUR-Lex. It contains judgments of the European Court of Justice and the courts of Member States concerning the Brussels Convention (1968), the Lugano Convention (1988), the Brussels I Regulation (2000), the Brussels II Regulation (2000), the New Brussels II Regulation (2003) and the New Lugano Convention (2007). The judgments are in the original language, with summaries in English, French and German (and the original language, if available).

Legal Information Institute (Cornell Law School)

The Cornell Legal Information Institute (LII), founded in 1992, provides free access to US federal and state legal material, including US Supreme Court decisions, decisions of the US Courts of Appeals and other federal courts, the US Constitution, the United States Code, state constitutions and statutes (via links to state websites), and state regulations. Secondary materials on the site include 'Wex', an open access legal dictionary and encyclopedia, and the 'Introduction to Basic Legal Citation' by Peter W. Martin.

Cour des Comptes [et] Chambres Régionales des Comptes

The French Cour des Comptes (Court of Accounts) has jurisdiction over France's public finances. It conducts mandatory audits of the accounts of public bodies such as government departments and ministries and agencies, social security bodies, and non-departmental public bodies. The Court also has discretion to exercise jurisdiction over charities, organisations which receive funds from the EU, and private-sector companies with close links to the public sector.

Nigeria Law

Website publishing judicial information and legal materials relating to the law of Nigeria. The site was set up by the International Centre for Nigerian Law, in association with the chambers of E.C.M. Obata. It carries the texts of the Nigerian Constitution, selected legislation (1990-2006, if still in force) and an index of laws from 1990 to 2000. The Law Reporting page carries judgments of the Supreme Court from 1909 onwards (incomplete). General information is provided about the Supreme Court, high courts and Court of Appeal.

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