Law reports

International Domain Name Law Library (Prototype)

This WorldLII project aims to make searchable from one location all decisions arising out of disputes relating to Generic Top Level Domains (gTLD) and Country Code Domains available on WorldLII (World Legal Information Institute). The decisions included on the databases have been made by international bodies such as the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC), the National Arbitration Forum (NAF), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution.

Republic of Turkey Supreme Court

Official website of the Turkish Supreme Court. The English-language section of the site provides information on the background and history of the court, together with an outline of the legal system and court structure in Turkey. Other information on the site, including the case database, 'Karar Arama', is available in Turkish only.

Isle of Man Judgments Online

Isle of Man Courts website, providing judgments handed down by the Isle of Man Courts of Justice. It has almost all judgments delivered from 2002 onwards and most of those delivered between 2000 and 2001. Judgments of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (Supreme Court of the Isle of Man) and relevant judgments of the European Court of Human Rights are also provided, under 'Other judgments'. Cases can be browsed by court or searched by keyword or case number. The Isle of Man is a self-governing Crown dependency which does not form part of the United Kingdom.

Cour de Cassation

The Cour de cassation is the highest court in France, with jurisdiction to review decisions arising from lower criminal and civil courts. It deals with questions of law and the application of law, not questions of fact. Its website provides a database of cases from 1947 onwards, together with background information about the court. English translations of some recent judgments are available on the 'International' page.


Legifrance is the official French law website. The contents include the Constitution and individual laws in force (under 'Textes consolidés'); more than 70 codes; the Journal Officiel from 1869 onwards, cases, draft laws and other parliamentary material (under 'Dossiers legislatifs'). The site, which is entirely in French, can be browsed by type of material, and basic and advanced search facilities are available.  

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