Government bodies

Welsh Parliament (Senedd)

Official website of the Welsh Parliament (Senedd Cymru) the body with responsibility for making Welsh laws, setting taxes and overseeing the work of the Welsh Government. The site contains information about Senedd members and the various committees. The Record of Proceedings, a transcript of the proceedings of the Senedd's Plenary meetings, can be searched on the site. There is information about the Bills and Acts of Senedd Cymru and the Senedd's legislative process.

US Department of Justice Antitrust Division

US Department of Justice Antitrust Division contains a vast amount of information on legal cases involving monopolies and mergers. The site includes links and articles relating to current actions, public documents relating to ongoing cases and an introduction to the work of this division of the Department of Justice, and links to guidelines and statements on policy towards antitrust in various areas of the economy in the US.

Independent Office for Police Conduct

Website of the Independent Office for Police Conduct, which handles complaints from the public about the British police force. This site provides information on the purpose of the body, its current activities, guidance on making a complaint and recent investigation reports. Statistics and research reports are also provided. Areas covered include police discipline, police brutality, police corruption, racism and police officers, use of equipment such as batons and CS Gas and statistics on deaths in police custody.

Northern Ireland Assembly

Official website of the Northern Ireland Assembly, the devolved legislature for Northern Ireland, established in 1998. The site provides information about the progress of bills before the Assembly; the text of bills from the current and previous sessions; Hansard from 1998 onwards; details of the making of statutory rules from 2011 onwards; committee reports from c.2011 onwards; research papers; news and other information.

Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe is an institution of the Council of Europe. Its website provides details on its functions and recent programmes. It also contains a collection of documents, including the Congress's statutory texts, charters and conventions, minutes of plenary sessions, timetables of forthcoming meetings and the Congress's yearbook. The site is in English or French.

Republic of Botswana

This site is maintained by the government of Botswana. It provides basic background information on the nature and organisation of government in the region and an index of all the key government ministries and departments. There is a full text copy of the Constitution and the Laws of Botswana. Also available are brief summaries of the key news stories, a few basic economic statistics and notes on the region for tourists.

Criminal Cases Review Commission

The Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) is the government body which investigates suspected miscarriages of justice in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Its website provides information on the purpose and organisation of the body as well as its ongoing work. The site includes case studies concerning successful CCRC investigations, statistics about case reviews, academic research papers, details of current research projects and  information about how to apply for a case review.

Joint Nature Conservation Committee

The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) is the forum through which the four British country nature conservation agencies (Council for Nature Conservation and the Countryside, The Countryside Council for Wales, Natrual England and Scottish Natural Heritage) deliver their national and international responsibilities. These responsibilities include: sustaining and enriching biological diversity; enhancing geological features; and sustaining natural systems. JNCC's work is split into two broad categories, namely, advisory and project-based.

European Union Intellectual Property Office

The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), formerly the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), is the EU body ressponsible for the uniform protection of trade marks and industrial designs. It maintains registers of trademarks and designs and has a role in the prosecution of infringements. The EUIPO website covers the legal framework and the remit of the Office and its Boards of Appeal, as well as an online registration facility, databases, publications, news and more.

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