Government bodies

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Official website of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO), which is a Special Operating Agency associated with the government department Industry Canada. The CIPO is responsible for the administration and processing of much of the intellectual property in Canada and has official responsibilities in regard to patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Legal Office

Official site for the Legal Office of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). The office provides legal advisory services to member nations, particularly in the areas of legislative and treaty drafting. The site lists member states with the date of membership, publishes news highlights from the office, details of print publications ordered via the site, and occasional papers in PDF format. A collection of basic FAO texts including the constitution, rules of procedure of committees and policy documents are also available.

Scottish Legal Aid Board

The Scottish Legal Aid Board is a non-departmental public body responsible for managing legal aid in Scotland. Its website presents information for the public and information for solicitors and other advisory services. For solicitors and advisors, it provides an online facility for legal aid applications, handbooks, updates, forms and other materials. For the public, there is advice and guidance about getting legal aid and finding a solicitor, including a directory of legal aid practitioners.

Government Legal Department

Official website of the Government Legal Department (GLD), formerly the Treasury Solicitor. The website explains the role and kinds of work undertaken by the department as the government’s principal legal advisers. The GLD pages form part of the GOV.UK website and include publications, announcements and consultations. The website gives the names of the management team of the GLD. A link to the Bona Vacantia division of the GLD is also provided.

Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service

Official website for the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service, outlining the court structure in Northern Ireland and providing information on services including court lists, fees, information on jury service and support for victims and witnesses. Access is provided to a range of publications relevant to the Northern Ireland Court Service including legislation, press releases, policy documents and targets and performance data. Judgements from the Northern Ireland courts are available to download from the site in full text and can be searched or browsed back to 1999.

Ministry of Justice Japan

Website of the Japanese Ministry of Justice, the government department with primary responsibility for maintaining the rule of law and legal order in Japan. In particular it is concerned with immigration, nationality, prosecution of criminal cases, the treatment of offenders, protecting the rights of citizens, family registration and registration of real estate. The site offers some historical background on the administration of justice in Japan since the end of the Second World War.

Oceans and Law of the Sea

Internet site publishing Law of Sea resources and related links developed by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea at the UN Office of Legal Affairs. The site presents unedited advanced texts and official reports and resolutions of the Secretary-General; the full-text and an overview of UNCLOS (the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) and related agreements with status information on ratifications and accessions. There is organisational information on the Division, information on the settlement of disputes and links to bodies established by the Convention.

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights seeks to promote universal enjoyment of all human rights by responding to violations and promoting the implementation of international instruments. Its website provides the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in over 300 different languages, together with human rights treaties, fact sheets, decisions and working documents of the various UN human rights bodies (such as the Committee Against Torture and the Council on Human Rights). Printed and multi-media materials relating to the Universal Declaration are also available.

Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic

Website for the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. Information available in English on the site includes: a description of the composition, organisation, procedures, powers and nature and effect of judgments of the Court; list of Justices; Court contact details; collection of cases with selected judgments from 1992-1996 in case number order; and collection of legal materials including the act on the Constitutional Court, Charter of fundamental rights and basic freedoms, and Parliament of the Czech Republic.

Federal Court of Canada

Official website for the Federal Court of Canada, providing brief background information on the history, constitution and jurisdiction of the Court along with biographies of the Federal Court judges. Background information is also given to the Canadian courts and justice system. Links to the full-text of the Canada Federal Court Reports since 1993 are provided, as are a site search engine and search and browse options for the decisions. Federal Court rules, forms, practice guides and relevant guides are additionally made available in full text.

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