Government bodies

Alberta Law Reform Institute

Website for the Alberta Law Reform Institute, formed in 1968 by agreement and cooperation between the Province of Alberta, the Law Society of Alberta, and the University of Alberta, and previously known as the Institute of Law Research and Reform. The Institute is exceptional in involving government, academics and the legal profession in the law reform and review process from the very beginning, and conducts research into law and the administration of justice, and makes recommendations on matters of law reform.

Access to Justice and law Reform Institute of Nova Scotia

The Access to Justice and law Reform Institute of Nova Scotia was formed in 1991 by the Government of Nova Scotia to act as an independent advisor and review the laws of Nova Scotia. The Commission makes recommendations to improve, update and reform the law involving the general public in the consultation procedures. A full list of publications is available, together with full-text online versions of the discussion papers and final reports produced for each project the Commission works on. Details of the latest reports and project developments are given in the News section.

National Native Title Tribunal

Website of the Australian National Native Title Tribunal, a government body which helps the making of agreements among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, governments, industry and others whose rights or interests may co-exist with native title rights and interests. The Tribunal is not a court; its role is as facilitator and mediator. The site gives details of Tribunal members and has factsheets on native title and common law in Australia. Policies and procedures documents are available for both clients and staff, as is advice on how to apply for a determination of native title.

Oikeusministeri: Ministry of Justice, Finland

Web pages of the Finnish Ministry of Justice in Helsinki. The pages are in Finnish, and some pages are in English or Swedish. The Ministry is responsible for legal policy, statute policy and the administration of justice in Finland. Particular duties of the Ministry include the drafting of laws, safeguarding the work of the judiciary, the punishment of offenders, and participating in the making of EU legislation. An organisational chart is included in English, and current legal news items are also available.

Gambling Commission

The Gaming Commission (formerly know as the Gaming Board of Great Britain) is responsible for the regulation of gambling in the UK. This covers all forms of lotteries, gaming machines, betting, casinos, bingo and the National Lottery. The website provides free access to information about the remit and activities of the Commission. It includes press releases, regulations, legislation and information on licenses relating to all forms of gambling. The site also includes some government sponsored research papers on problem gamblers and gambling addiction.

Fiji Government Portal

The Portal is the electronics communication platform of the Fiji Government. It serves as a convenient launch pad for you to locate information about the Fiji Government - such as news and policy information, events calendar and contact information of public service agencies. Government decrees and gazettes, budget documentation and discussion papers are also available to search and browse. The Portal is administered by the Ministry of Information, who regularly check it for currency, and it is freely available online.

Boletin Oficial del Estado

The Spanish official gazette, the Boletin Oficial del Estado (BOE), publishes legislation. Since January 2009, the electronic version has had official authentic status. The Boletin is available on this website from 1995 onwards. The site also has a 'Legislacion' page with current codes, a database of laws from 1960 onwards and a historical archive of official gazettes from 1661 to 1967.

Japan Patent Office

Website of the Japanese Patent Office. The site includes a history and outline of the industrial property system in Japan. There is guidance on obtaining rights in Japan and information on the role and organisation of the Patent Office. There are also features on legislation and practice changes and the promotion policy for patent distribution. The text of selected committee documents, reports and speeches are available in full-text and there is a link to the Japanese Industrial Property Digital Library (NPDL). The site can be viewed in English and Japanese.

South Carolina Legislature

Official website of the State of South Carolina in the United States. The site provides background information about the Senate and the House of Representatives, access to state legislation, member profiles, details of committees and calendars for the South Carolina Senate and House of Representatives. There is legislation for the current session, the South Carolina Code of Laws, Code of Regulations and the Constitution. These can be searched or browsed online. The archives include legislation back to 1975, act lists, budgets, reports and legislative updates.

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