Government bodies

Registers of Scotland

Website of the Registers of Scotland the Government Agency responsible for compiling and maintaining registers relating to property and other legal documents in Scotland. The registers are the Land Register of Scotland, the Register of Sasines, the Chancery and Judicial Registers and the Register of Community Interests in Land. The site describes the Registers, their history and how to search them. There is property and house price information and a full text copy of the Registration of Title Practice Book which contains a copy of the Land Registration Act.

HM Land Registry

The Land Registry is a non-ministerial department of the UK Government. Its main purpose is to register title to land in England and Wales and to record dealings once the land is registered. The website provides a searchable register of title deeds, downloadable data, a collection of land registration practice guides, reports, forms, house price data and other information.

Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada is an independent tribunal established in 1989 by the Canadian Parliament to make decisions on immigration and refugee matters. Its main concerns are handling immigration appeals and claims for refugee status and providing information on Canadian immigration law. Its website describes the function of the IRB and contains its current press releases and annual reports from 1995 onwards. It also offers updates on current Canadian immigration law and the immigration appeals process.

Department of Justice Canada

The Department of Justice Canada is a government department with the mission of ensuring an accessible, efficient and fair system of justice and providing legal services to the government, its departments and agencies. This site gives information about the department's structure and provides links to the full-texts of Canada's consolidated statutes and regulations as well as departmental publications, and a list of helpful links to related websites. The site is available in English and French.


Stortinget is the Norwegian Parliament. Its website is offered in English or Norwegian. The English version contains the text of the Norwegian Constitution, the parliamentary rules of procedure and information on the history, current functions and legislative procedures of the parliament. The Norwegian-language version offers more detailed information, including details of parliamentary documents and legislation since 1994 and parliamentary debates since 1996.

European Court of Auditors

The European Court of Auditors (ECA) was created in 1977 and acts as the official auditor of European Union finances. Its website offers details of the role and purpose of the ECA, its annual reports on the EU budget from 1977 onwards and the external auditor's reports from 1997 onwards. It also has a collection of ECA opinions going back to 1977 (via Browse Publiactions, on the home page) as well as briefing papers, background papers, reports, speeches and other documents. The Library pages include a bibliography concerning the EU budget.

Australian Institute of Criminology

The Institute is the national focus for the study of crime and criminal justice in Australia and for the dissemination of criminal justice information. The site contains selected publications and conference papers, a Directory of Australian Researchers in Criminology and Criminal Justice, statistics, research groups, press releases and links to related sites and information.

Crown Prosecution Service

Website of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) the "Government Department responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales." The site contains background information about the CPS including its history and role. There are pages aimed at victims of crime, contact details of local offices and press releases. The site also gives legal guidance for prosecutors and caseworkers covering the various types of offences, witnesses, case preparation, appeals, trial issues and sentencing.


The Folketinget is the parliament of Denmark. Its website is available in both English and Danish. The English version offers information on the history and duties of the Danish parliament. It includes information about electoral administration and the electoral laws. The Danish version provides more detailed information about parliamentary business. It offers the full text of all official documents produced during the current session, including parliamentary debates, parliamentary bills and committee documents.

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