legal profession

Tokyo Bar Association

Website of the Tokyo Bar Association (also known as 'Toben') the largest local bar association in Japan. The site gives information about the work of the association and its committees. There is background information on how to qualify as a Bengoshi (Japanese barrister) and how foreign lawyers can practice in Japan. The site includes a glossary of terms relating to the Japanese legal profession and can be viewed in English and Japanese.

Supreme Court of Mauritius

The Website of the Supreme Court of Mauritius provides a history of the legal system in Mauritius and an outline of the court system. There are contact details for Mauritian lawyers and weekly cause lists for the various courts. Judgments are made freely available from a number of Mauritian courts- the Court of Rodrigues, the Industrial Court, the Intermediate court and the district courts. Supreme Court decisions are available on subscription. Recent legislation (from 2008 onwards) can be viewed on the site in full text.

Planning and Environment Bar Association

Website of the Planning and Environment Bar Association (PEBA) whose members are barristers specialising in "planning, environment, compulsory purchase, highways, housing, rating and other aspects of local government and administrative law". The site gives information on the work of PEBA and includes a full-text (PDF) copy of the PEBA Handbook. Details of pro bono work carried out by PEBA members is also provided. Contact details for chambers and barristers who are members of PEBA can be searched or browsed on the site.

Guam Bar Association

Website of the Guam Bar Association- the organisation with responsibility for regulating the practice of law in Guam. The site gives details of officers and committees of the Bar and there is a searchable directory of members and lawyer referral service. Rules and by-laws of the Guam Bar can be viewed in full on the site along with links to other Guam legal websites.

Supreme Court of Georgia

The official website of the Supreme Court of Georgia, containing news, lists of the members of the court, information about the court system and the budget. Under Court Decisions are links to criminal, civil and administrative cases, and the decisions of the Grand Chamber. These are only available in Georgian, as are the recommendation pages under the heading Uniform Court Practice.

Law Society of Fiji

Website of the Fiji Law Society (FLS) the organisation with responsibility for representing and regulating the legal profession in Fiji. The site gives information about the FLS including profiles of Council members, a directory of members and disciplinary decisions. The Society's monthly newsletter, including legislative updates and court dates, can be viewed on the site in PDF. Links to Fiji legislation on PacLII (the Pacific Legal Information Institute) are also given.

Czech Bar Association

Website of the Czech Bar Association, the organisation with responsibility for representing and regulating the legal profession in the Czech Republic. The site provides information on the structure of the Association and advice on becoming a lawyer in the Czech Republic. Legislation regulating the legal profession is provided on the site in full-text as a searchable document. A directory of members can be searched by name, town, speciality or language. The site is available in Czech, English, French, German and Russian.

Michael Kyprianou and Associates

Website of Cypriot law firm Michael Kyprianou and Associates. The site has information about the services offered by the firm, details of members and high profile cases. Areas of practice covered by the firm include commercial and financial law, intellectual property, litigation and arbitration, property, taxation and shipping law. The site provides background information to the law in Cyprus concerning intellectual property, buying property and investment, immigration and taxation issues. There is also background to the Cyprus legal system and company law.

Croatian Bar Association

Website of the Croatian Bar Association (CBA) the professional organisation representing attorneys practising in Croatia. The site has information about the CBA and the practise of law in Croatia. There is a full-text copy of the Law on the Legal Profession, a copy of the attorneys' code of ethics and the Statute of the Croatian Bar Association which deals with the operation of law firms, the rights and duties of attorneys and disciplinary procedures within the legal profession.

Commonwealth Magistrates' and Judges' Association

Web pages of the Commonwealth Magistrates' and Judges' Association (CMJA) an international association which brings together judicial officers from Commonwealth countries. The site gives information about the CMJA's activities including future events and publications. There is information about the CMJA's judicial education programme and the work of the Gender Section. A page of links to Commonwealth organisations, Commonwealth judicial bodies and related organisations is also provided.

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