legal profession

Legal Support Network

Website of the Legal Support Network, an organisation providing services to finance professionals working in the legal profession in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Includes articles on finance, costs and technology news and details of training courses and events. There is also a directory of suppliers. 

Türkiye Barolar Birligi

Website of the Union of Turkish Bar Associations. The introduction gives background and historical information about the Bar, with details of committees and a searchable directory of members. Laws governing the legal profession are available, along with a collection of human rights documents and articles. The site is in Turkish only.

International Judicial Monitor

International Judicial Monitor is an online journal produced by the International Judicial Academy in Washington D.C. and supported by the American Society of International Law. It focuses on international law and its primary target audience consists of those involved in judicial work, as well as other legal professionals. The publication has legal news stories, commentary, case law and book reviews. Other regular features include profiles of judges and background articles on courts and tribunals around the world.

Bermuda Bar Association

The Bermuda Bar Association is the governing body for lawyers in Bermuda, responsible for regulating and representing the profession. Its website includes a list of law firms/professional companies and a list of practitioners. It provides resources for barristers and attorneys, including the Bermuda Bar Act 1974, the Code of Professional Conduct and associated documents; information about legal education; and details of support groups.

Academy of Experts

The Academy of Experts (TAE) is a UK professional body for expert witnesses. Its website provides searchable registers of expert witnesses, mediators and expert determiners. It also includes guidance, forms, a newsletter and details of TAE's training activities. There is a password-protected section of the site for members of TAE.

Chambre des Notaires de Paris

The Chambre des Notaires de Paris is the professional body for notaries in Paris, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne. Notaries in France deal with matters of marriage and cohabitation, succession, real estate, taxation, and business law. The website provides information for the public about the law, notarial services and the notarial profession. There is a directory of notaries ("annuaire") searchable by name, address or district, together with outlines of French law relating to wills and succession, marriage and cohabitation, children, real property, taxation and businesses.

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