legal profession

Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights

Website of Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) a not for profit human rights organisation whose central aim is to promote human rights in Zimbabwe. The site gives details ZLHR's litigation and advocacy work and provides news of its recent human rights cases. The Resources section includes policy papers, reports, studies factsheets and other ZLHR material.

Solicitors Regulation Authority

Website of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which regulates solicitors in England and Wales. The site provides news, information and documentation for solicitors, the general public and those interested in qualifying as a solicitor. It includes a register of regulated solicitors, guidance on choosing and using a solicitor, and information about claiming compensation for money owed by a solicitor.

Singapore Ministry of Law

Official website of the Ministry of Law, with information about registration of lawyers and insolvency practitioners in Singapore, dispute resolution, legal aid, regulation of money-lenders, intellectual property rights, administration of land, transnational civil and criminal justice and other matters. Provides official guidance, details of policy consultations, parliamentary speeches and news. Includes 'Insight Minlaw', a collection of articles about legal developments and the future of law.

American Judges Association

Website of the American Judges Association (AJA), an independent organisation for judges from all jurisdictions in the United States and Canada. Has information about officers and t committees and provides publications including the periodical, Court Review, a briefing about procedural fairness in drug-treatment courts, and guidance for judges dealing with domestic violence cases. There is also a collection of training webinars for judges.

Virgin Islands Bar Association

Website of the United States Virgin Islands Bar Association, the professional body for lawyers working in this US territory. Includes news, a directory of members and details of events and committees. There is information for the public on choosing a lawyer, legal fees, regulation of attorneys and the judiciary, alternatives to court and careers in the law, together press notices, a virtual legal advice clinic and a glossary of legal terms. The VI Bar Digest is available from 2020 onwards.


Law blog (or 'blawg') finder, provided by Justia Legal Resources. The site indexes US blogs primarily, but there is some coverage of other jurisdictions. The home page lists the most popular blogs and most recent posts. Users may browse by area of law, US state or country and there is also a search facility. A resources page includes information about blogging software and hosting. 

Uganda Law Society

Website of the Uganda Law Society, which represents the legal profession and promotes access to justice, human rights and the rule of law in Uganda. The site gives information about the structure and work of the organisation.

Laws of Kenya

The Laws of Kenya website, provided by the National Council for Law Reporting, makes available Kenyan statutes and subsidiary legislation arranged by subject, with a search facility. The site also has Kenyan case law, the Kenya Gazette and other material.

General Council of the Bar of South Africa

Website of the General Council of the Bar of South Africa (GCBSA), the professional organisation for advocates in South Africa. Includes an overview of the South African legal system and information about careers and training. The 'Legal Practice Act' page provides a compilation of documents such as bar examination syllabuses and a proposal for practical vocational training.The Rules of Professional Ethics are also available, and there is a page of information about judicial nominees.

Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa

The Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa  (CCASA), formerly the Corporate Lawyers Association of South Africa, is a non-profit organisation formed in 1982 to promote the interests of company (in-house) lawyers. Its website provides background information about the role of the corporate lawyer. The CCASA code of ethics, disciplinary code and various policies are available on the site, along with details of events and courses held by the association. A selection of articles and other content is available to members.

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