legal profession

Insite Law magazine

Website of Insite Law magazine which is produced by Mike Semple Piggot and aimed at legal practitioners and students. The site offers podcasts of interviews with people working in different areas of the law and legal education. Recent podcasts have covered topics such as standards in UK universities, the rising costs of legal education and what is involved in doing a Ph.D. There are also interviews with the Chair of the UK Innocence Network Committee, Head of Legal at Liberty and the Director of Justice along with a series of podcasts focusing on the Bar and pupillage.

Gibbs Wyatt Stone

Website of Gibbs Wyatt Stone, a UK-based law firm specialising in legal costs disputes. Includes a regular newsletter, Costs Law Update, which has information on legal developments, cases and publications in this area of law. There is also a blog, with an archive of posts back to 2002.

A compilation of state lawyer licensing databases

Online guide to state lawyer licensing databases compiled by Andrew Zimmerman who is Director of Library Services at Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, Hoffberger & Hollander LLC in Baltimore, Maryland and Trevor Rosen who is Librarian at Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler in Baltimore, Maryland. These databases can be used to check whether an individual United States lawyer is licensed to practice in a particular state. Most databases are provided by either the state bar association, the state's court system, disciplinary agency, bar examiners or licensing agency.

City of London Law Society

Website of the City of London Law Society (CLLS) the professional body representing solicitors and law firms in the City of London. The site provides organisational information about CLLS including the names of committee members, a copy of the constitution and business plan. There is information about CLLS µs specialist committees including minutes of meetings, reports and other documentation. News of the Societyãs latest activities is delivered via an e-briefing which can be downloaded from the site along with a selection of precedent documents.


Lexpert is a Thomson Carswell company based in Canada. Their website provides access to a range of journals and directories relating to the business of law. Publications include the Lexpert Magazine which focuses on legal business issues. This subscription journal has free extracts from articles available on the site. The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory is a directory of Canadian lawyers and law firms freely searchable on the site. The Lexpert US Guide offers full text articles and profiles of cross border lawyers.

Arbitral Women

Website of Arbitral Women, a membership organisation for women working in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. Members are based in over 30 countries. Contact details and profiles of members are available in an online directory which can be searched or browsed. The "Find a Practitioner" facility enables users to search for members using more detailed criteria including practice area, type of practitioner, country of residence, language etc.

Sveriges advokatsamfund

Website of the Swedish Bar Association, the organisation representing Sweden's practising lawyers. The site provides an article giving background information on the legal profession in Sweden and the role and functions of the Bar Association. Rules and regulations governing lawyers can be downloaded from the site including the Charter of the Swedish Bar Association, the Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers. A directory of members can be searched by name, firm, location, language and area of law and there is guidance on making a complaint against a member.

CMNI Bar Association

Website of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Bar Association the professional body representing lawyers of the Northern Mariana Islands in the North Pacific. The site provides details of officers and committee chairs, by-laws of the Association and a directory of membersã which can be searched or browsed. The CMNI Bar Association holds an annual mock trial competition for High School students in the Northern Mariana Islands details of which are given for the current and previous years. A page of related web links is also provided.

Colegio Nacional de Abogados de Panama

Website of the National Bar Association of Panama. The site provides information about the Bar Association including the names of the Board of Directors, details of fees and a copy of the Code of Ethics. There are laws relating to the legal profession in Panama and an information bulletin providing details of news and events arranged by the Association. The site is available in Spanish throughout.

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