
Australian Institute of Criminology

The Institute is the national focus for the study of crime and criminal justice in Australia and for the dissemination of criminal justice information. The site contains selected publications and conference papers, a Directory of Australian Researchers in Criminology and Criminal Justice, statistics, research groups, press releases and links to related sites and information.


These pages have been prepared by Dr David Jukes, Senior Lecturer in Food Regulation at the University of Reading to assist students taking courses in food law. The site has teaching materials and information on the law relating to additives and food labelling. There are legal news items concerning food law in the UK, the EU, CODEX, FAO and WHO, from 1996 onwards. <p> Links are provided to food legislation for the United Kingdom and European Union. UK links go back to 1995; some legislation is listed back to 1959, but the site does not profess to be complete.

Drzavni Zbor (National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia)

The website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia is available in both English and Slovenian. The English version provides information on the legislative procedure of the Republic and the committee structure of the Assembly. It also offers a link to the Slovenian Interactive Legal information system which aims to provide data on legislation and decisions of the Constitutional Court. This includes a biography of the president and details of current parliamentary business.

IALS Library

The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies was founded in 1947 as part of the University of London, but with a national role. It promotes and facilitates advanced study and research in law for the benefit of persons and institutions in the UK and abroad. The Institute library has particular strengths in foreign, comparative and international law, reflected in the resources offered by the website. The site makes available the Library's online catalogue, information aimed at LLM students and a selection of legal research guides arranged by subject and jurisdiction.

Law Commission for England and Wales

Website of the Law Commission, an independent body created by the Law Commissions Act 1965 to keep the law under review and recommend reforms. Details of the laws currently being reviewed by the Commission are available, and responses are encouraged to current consultations and recent reports. Reports, consultation papers and other publications going back to 1996 are available on the site; earlier Law Commission reports are available on other sites and links to these are provided.

International Journal of the Sociology of Law

A print journal published by Elsevier, but this site gives the titles and some abstracts of articles published since March 1995 (via Science Direct, an online journal delivery service). The title of the journal has been changed to International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice since 2007 December. The International Journal of the Sociology of Law is an interdisciplinary forum for high quality research and debate on social context and social implications of law, law-enforcement, and legal process.

Stanford Law and Policy Review

The Stanford Law and Policy Review is an academic journal concentrating on issues of law and public policy published twice a year by the law students of Stanford Law School. Each issue contains a Symposium of 6 to 12 articles on one specific topic along with additional feature articles on different topics. Themes of past issues have included law and technology, law of democracy, gun control and same sex marriage. Titles, subscription information and details of the Editorial Board are provided on the site.

Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture

The Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture was created to serve the criminal justice/criminological community by publishing reviews of all types of popular culture artifacts and original essays pertaining to the intersection of popular culture and criminal justice. Reviews were intended to explore the depiction of criminal justice issues in the various forms of popular culture, providing criminal justice educators with suggestions for utilising these mediums as well as how these tools may be gainfully employed in research efforts.

Cornell Law Review

The Cornell Law Review is a journal devoted to the study and analysis of contemporary legal issues and problems. The Review (formerly the Cornell Law Quarterly) has been published continuously since 1915 and is edited by second- and third-year law students chosen on the basis of their academic standing or by a writing competition. The Review is published 6 times a year by the Cornell Law School, New York. About seven years worth of issues are available online in full text. Subscription information is included and back copies are available from William S. Hein & Co.

Statewatch database

Statewatch is a non-profit voluntary organisation which monitors the state and civil liberties in the UK and the rest of Europe. The Statewatch Database contains more than 25,000 records, including news, features, pamphlets, reports, legislation, EU resolutions and agreements, details of UK parliamentary debates and those of the European Parliament and reports on European Court of Human Rights cases. Material less than 6 months old can be accessed free of charge; older materials require a subscription.

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