
Rights of Women: empowering women to access their legal rights

Rights of Women (ROW), founded in 1975, is a charity providing legal advice and information for women and carrying out policy work and training in related areas. The website gives details of its advice lines and provides factsheets on topics including divorce, domestic violence, parental responsibility, civil partnerships, immigration and asylum and child support. It also includes policy publications and details of training and other events.

Issues in Legal Scholarship

Issues in Legal Scholarship is an online series of symposia which aims to provoke discussion and debate of seminal articles published in the field of legal scholarship. The website is part of the Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) service which aims to offer a swift and streamlined publication process for authors, reviewers and readers in the field of legal publishing. The website includes aims and scope, subscription information, details of the editorial board, tables of contents and abstracts.

Center for the Study of Democracy

The Center for the Study of Democracy is an independent, interdisciplinary institute which aims to foster democracy and reform in Bulgaria. Its website includes links to current projects, publications, and papers (some in Bulgarian, some in English), covering Law, Europe, Economy, Judicial Reform, Corporate Governance, and Book Donation. There is a section about Vitosha Research, which covers the market, social, political, advertising and media issues. There is also a 'News and Events' section, covering current activities of the centre, and a section profiling centre staff.

Berkeley Program in Law & Economics Working Papers

The Program in Law & Economics at University of California, Berkeley provides an interdisciplinary forum for scholarship in the fields of business law, and law and economics. This series of working papers are freely available online with abstracts back to 1995, and full text available for most papers from 1998 onwards. The series is hosted in the eScholarship repository, part of the California Digital Library.

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Italy, is part of the European University Institute, and carries out research in Law, Economics, History and Civilisation, and Social and Political Sciences, focusing on European issues, in particular European integration. Its website gives details of current research activities and contains a number of publications and papers which may be downloaded in PDF format, in both French and English. There is also a full list of papers published by the Centre, which may be ordered in printed format.

The British Safety Council

The British Safety Council is concerned with occupational health and safety. It works with companies in the UK and worldwide, to develop safe systems of work. The British Safety Council provides consultancy for the Health and Safety Executive and has campaigned for much UK health and safety legislation. The website has information about the organisation's many campaigns and details of training courses offered.

World Law: San Marino

Section of the WorldLII's website covering the Republic of San Marino, the small independent Southern European state. The site offers links to introductory materials relating to the law of San Marino, governmnent websites and other legal information.

Court of Arbitration for Sport

Website of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) [also known as Tribunal Arbitral du Sport (TAS)], an independent institution originally established by the International Olympic Committee. The Court hears cases on sports law topics such as nationality, adjudication, sponsorship, and doping. The website provides all non-confidential decisions of the Court, together with the CAS code and statutes. Information is available on the mission and structure of CAS, arbitration and related matters. The site is available in English and French.

Council of Europe: sport: reference texts

Collection of documents relating to sport, on the Council of Europe website. It includes the full text of the European Sports Charter (1992), CoE treaties, reports, recommendations and minutes of meetings. The subjects covered include doping, spectator violence, sports policy, ethics, sport promotion and political aspects of sport (including discrimination). The site is available in French and English.

Fedflix: free film from US government

FedFlix, available from the Internet Archive, was a collaboration between the US National Technical Information Service and Public.Resource.Org. It provides free access to films from branches of the American government, including public information films and historic film clips and footage from the National Archives, the Department of War, the United States Forest Service, the Federal Civil Defense Administration and other departments. The site, which was archived in 2008, includes information on sources, copyright and technical details. 

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