
Summaries of EU legislation

This section of the EU's Europa portal provides summaries of EU legislation in all policy areas. The information is arranged by subject, including agriculture, competition, employment and social policy, human rights, the internal market, regional policy and transport; these subjects are further sub-divided by specific area of law. Each section has an introduction to the policy, an outline of the legislation, details of relevant policy documents and information about future developments. Links are provided to the legal texts and official documents mentioned.

Women and criminal justice

Women and Criminal Justice is a journal published by Routledge. It publishes scholarly interdisciplinary and international research, iincluding both qualitative and quantitative studies, for academics and professionals. Tables of contents and abstracts from 1989 onwards are available, and users may register to access a sample copy. Access to full-text articles is for subscribers only, although it is possible to purchase individual issues.


Justice is a law reform and human rights organisation based in the United Kingdom. Through independent research, briefings and interventions, the group seek to develop the law, influence public policy, and promote human rights standards in the civil, criminal and administrative justice systems in the UK. Its work covers human rights, discrimination, asylum, privacy and socio-economic rights. The website gives details of current and past areas of work and provides briefings, reports and other information. 

Coram Children's Legal Centre

The Coram Children's Legal Centre is a charitable organisation established in 1981 and based at the University of Essex. The Centre deals with law and policy issues affecting children and young people. The site provides information about the work of the Centre which includes legal advice, research and policy and campaign work. Annual indexes from the Centre's monthly journal, Childright appear on the site. There is a selection of FAQs on common legal issues, and links to other organisations providing services for young people.

Social Care Law Journals

Website of Arden Davies Publishing, legal publishers specialising in the law applicable to the public sector in England and Wales. Contains sample issues of the following journals: Social Care Law Today; The Review of Mental Health Law and Practice; Journal of Community Care Law and Practice; The Journal of Public Childcare Law and Practice; Journal of Social Housing Law and Practice; Journal of Welfare Benefits Law and Practice.

Supreme Court of the Czech Republic

This is the official Website of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. This is "the highest judicial authority both in civil and criminal law with the exception of the matters concerning the powers of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic." The whole site is available in Czech, with information about the Court (its history, structure, judges and more) in English and French.

African Journals OnLine

African Journals OnLine provides access to more than 800 journals published in Africa, including law titles, with many articles available free of charge. It was established as a project by the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications. Users can register for email alerts.

Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA)

The website of the Hungarian Environmental Management and Law Association (EMLA). EMLA is active in raising public awareness and participation, providing legal advice and representation, developing environmental NGO networks and environmental consulting. The website has information on the history, structure and activities of EMLA, and details of how to join the organisation. Information for researchers on joint projects, internships and use of the EMLA library is provided. Brief details of specific programmes and case summaries are also available, as are copies of EMLA's annual reports.

International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

Website of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML) a "worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and expert family law specialists in their respective countries". The IAML was founded in 1986 and their aim is to improve international family law practice throughout the world. The website provides background information about the work of the academy, gives profiles of it's members and officials and details of events. Copies of the IAML Newsletter are available in PDF on the website.

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