
Ko'aga Rone'eta: a journal of human rights

Ko'aga Rone'eta is an online journal of human rights and humanitarian affairs, produced as a joint publication of Equipo Nizkor and Derechos Human Rights (Internet based human rights organisations). Ko'aga Rone'eta offers articles on human rights and humanitarian issues written by professionals and students of the field. Articles are organized by 9 main topics or series. Some documents are in English and others in Spanish. The journal aims to encourage thinking about human rights issues and promote human rights recognition worldwide.

Feminist Legal Studies

Feminist Legal Studies (ISSN 0996-3622) is a European journal covering feminist matters from a legal perspective with special interests in both the application of law to women's issues and contemporary debate in feminist legal theory. The journal is published three times a year by Springer Law for Kent Law School, Canterbury, UK. The site includes a search facility, information for authors and subscription details. 

Oregon Law Review

The Oregon Law Review is a scholarly journal produced by the University of Oregon School of Law since 1921. The Review aims to publish articles of current interest, addressing theoretical and practical issues of State, national and international significance. Matters covered have included gender discrimination, evidence rules, analysis of US Federal and State case law. The web version features contents listings from Volume 78 (1999/2000) onwards, with most articles available in full text online.

American University Law Review

The American University Law Review is the oldest and largest law journal of Washington College of Law at the American University, Washington D.C. There are six issues a year, including a special annual issue on decisions of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals on patent law, international trade, government contracts and Native American law. Contributors include judges, professors and practitioners as well as students. The online version begins with volume 45 no.1 (October 1995), and full text is available free in PDF format from volume 47 no.1 (October 1997).

Indiana Law Journal

The Indiana Law Journal is a print journal (ISSN 0019-6665) published quarterly by students at the Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington. Papers deal in the main with US legal issues and occasionally with international matters. Recent topics have included tax law, use of copyright law on the internet, criminal corporate liability and sexual harassment. The website presents the full-text of articles, notes and comments published in the journal from vol.71 1996 onwards.

Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law

The Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law is a multidisciplinary print publication produced quarterly by Duke University, USA. Articles contain original scholarship on matters embracing political science, economics, history, sociology, health services, research, philosophy and ethics. The journal also includes book reviews, comments, news and notes. The website offers contents listings and article abstracts from volume 20, 1995, onwards. In addition the site features 20 year cumulative author and subject indexes covering 1976-1995.

Amicus Curiae

Amicus Curiae is the official journal of both the Society for Advanced Legal Studies and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London. It aims to promote scholarship and research that involves academics, the legal profession and those engaged in the administration of law. The journal began publication in 1997. The print version is published 6 times a year by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies (formerly by Sweet and Maxwell). The website includes tables of contents, notes for authors and information concerning the Society for Advanced Legal Studies.

US Department of Justice Antitrust Division

US Department of Justice Antitrust Division contains a vast amount of information on legal cases involving monopolies and mergers. The site includes links and articles relating to current actions, public documents relating to ongoing cases and an introduction to the work of this division of the Department of Justice, and links to guidelines and statements on policy towards antitrust in various areas of the economy in the US.

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