
Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest

An online interdisciplinary journal conceived and managed by students at the University of Richmond's T.C. Williams School of Law. The journal is published approximately twice a year and contains feature articles and case commentaries. The journal seeks to reach beyond the academic legal community, to examine the law as it takes shape in society and stimulate interactive debate. Online issues are available from Fall 1996 onwards in full text.

Cardozo arts and entertainment law journal

The Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal was founded in 1982, and is currently published three times each academic year by students of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, under the aegis of the Cardozo Intellectual Property Law Program. Articles are published on entertainment law and related areas including First Amendment law, telecommunications law, sport law, and all areas of intellectual property law. The website includes tables of contents from volume 1 (1982) onwards and full-text access to most articles.

New Law Journal

Web pages for the New Law Journal, long established weekly news journal of legal happenings, practice, scholarship and debate, published by LexisNexis Butterworths. The site offers the contents of the latest issue only, with very limited online items in HTML format. An annual index of articles published in the print journal from 1997 onwards is also available. The site includes details of back copy ordering and subscriptions.

Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies

Website for the Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, a student and faculty edited interdisciplinary journal published by Indiana University. The journal aims to publish articles considering a full range of international legal issues and situations pertinent to individual nations and regions such as ethnic conflict, globalization, human rights and environmental protection. The subscriptions tab links through to the publisher's website which provides contents of issues back to Vol 10, 2003, and subscription details for both print and electronic versions.

Entertainment and Sports Lawyer

This is the website for Entertainment and Sports Lawyer, published quarterly by the Forum on the Entertainment and Sports Industries of the American Bar Association. The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer is directed at lawyers who devote a major portion of their practice to entertainment, sports, arts, intellectual property law, and other related areas. It endeavours to provide current, practical information as well as public policy and scholarly viewpoints that it believes to be of professional and academic interest to Forum members and other readers.


The Infolaw service, produced by legal publishing consultant Nick Holmes, provides a gateway to the UK legal web. The 'Lawfinder' section provides free access to legal resources by subject or by jurisdiction, and a directory of legal services and links to law blogs. The site also sells precedents and provides Continuing Professional Development for practitioners, for a fee.

American Psychology - Law Society

This is the website for the American Psychology - Law Society. The site offers information of interest to members, with a News section, back copies of the society's newsletter, teaching resources and career information. The site is maintained The University of Nebraska Law - Psychology Program. Note that many of the files on the site are in Adobe PDF format.

American Board of Forensic Psychology

The American Board of Forensic Psychology is responsible for issuing the Diploma in Forensic Psychology which is a professional qualification that signifies forensic competence. Forensic Psychology is "the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system". The website of this organisation offers information on professional development in this field, forms and bylaws to download as well as an introduction to forensic psychology.

Construction Law Review

Construction Law Review is an occasional online review of legal developments of interest to the construction industry based in the USA, edited by the Construction Practice Group of Pepper Hamilton LLP, US attorneys in law. The review offers comment on current issues in the field with close reference to US federal and state legislation and caselaw. Recent issues can be viewed by month of publication or by topic, beginning with September 1995. The site also provides background information about the Group and its work.

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