
human-rights-50 mailing list archive

This list is to encourage academic discourse on the impact of the International Declaration of Human Rights 50 years on. Open to researchers and students, this list seeks to explore current issues and questions of the future relevance of the declaration & to be a general information resource. The site contains an archive of all messages submitted to the list (they are retained for 2 years) which can be interrogated using the free text or keyword search facility.

Journal of International Economic Law

The Journal of International Economic Law, published by Oxford University Press, focuses on the legal aspects of economic activity that crosses national borders. The Web page contains contents tables and abstracts of past and current issues, together with information about subscriptions, the editorial board, advertising rates and instructions for prospective authors. The article titles and abstracts can be searched by keyword and there is a service for emailing new tables of contents. is the website of the American Society of Criminology, Division on Critical Criminology and The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Section on Critical Criminology. The site aims to link scholars with interests in critical criminology by providing access to a collection of critical papers and web links to related resources.Topics covered include criminology theory, police, courts, corrections, sentencing, critical race theory, victimology, youth and crime and internet and the media.

Bracton: De Legibus Et Consuetudinibus Angliae

On the Laws and Customs of England is a comprehensive work on English law, written in the 13th century by Henry of Bratton (Bracton) and others. This electronic version is a co-production of the Ames Foundation, the Harvard Law School Library, and the Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School. Latin and English versions can be viewed separately, or together in a split-screen display.

Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta

The Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CPLEA) is an electronic service that brings together people, information and educational resources on Canadian justice and legal issues. It is available in English and French, with a special section for Alberta. The site has links to official sources of Canadian legislative materials including statutes, bills and case law. It also offers a resource centre including educational materials for the classroom and access to legal newspapers, and other reference and publicly available information.

Women's Human Rights Resources Programme

The Women's Human Rights Resources Programme is maintained by staff at Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto. Resources provided on the site include a searchable database of articles and documents relating to women's human rights law, a collection of research guides and bibliographies, details of law courses in Canada relating specifically to women and a directory of women's rights organisations in Canada.

Society for Computers and Law

The Society for Computers and Law ( SCL) exists to encourage and develop both IT for lawyers and IT related law. There is information about the Society including membership information, news items and a diary of events. Details are given of SCL specialist groups and their committee members. These deal with areas such as IT disputes, property and knowledge management. Selected articles from the SCL's journal Computers and Law can be viewed on the site. The site also provides access to web-based seminars (webinars) which are open to members and non-members of the SCL.

Department of Justice Canada

The Department of Justice Canada is a government department with the mission of ensuring an accessible, efficient and fair system of justice and providing legal services to the government, its departments and agencies. This site gives information about the department's structure and provides links to the full-texts of Canada's consolidated statutes and regulations as well as departmental publications, and a list of helpful links to related websites. The site is available in English and French.

Oxford Journal of Legal Studies

The Web pages for the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Faculty of Law in the University of Oxford. The journal is designed to encourage interest in all matters relating to law, with an emphasis on matters of theory and on broad issues arising from the relationship of law to other disciplines. The site provides the tables of contents and abstracts of journal articles. Instructions to authors, advertising rates, and subscription information are also available. There is a table of contents mailing list service.


Stortinget is the Norwegian Parliament. Its website is offered in English or Norwegian. The English version contains the text of the Norwegian Constitution, the parliamentary rules of procedure and information on the history, current functions and legislative procedures of the parliament. The Norwegian-language version offers more detailed information, including details of parliamentary documents and legislation since 1994 and parliamentary debates since 1996.

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