
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues

The Web Journal of Current Legal Issues was the first UK general law journal to be published purely electronically on the web. The award-winning journal contains refereed scholarly articles, comments and case notes and is published bi-monthly by the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. The focus of the journal is on current legal issues in judicial decisions, law reform, legislation, legal research, policy related socio-legal research, legal education, information technology and practice.

NewsNow: Law

The law section of an online news aggregation service produced by NewsNow Publishing in the UK. The service is continually updated. Legal news items are taken from sources such as The Lawyer, Legal Week and the UK national and regional press. The Law section can be viewed by legal subject, including barristers, cases, law firms, IT law, copyright law, tax law, trade marks and wills. It is also possible to search for legal stories by date for the most recent month.

Journal of South Pacific Law

Website of The Journal of South Pacific Law which is published by the School of Law at the University of the South Pacific and made freely available online in full-text. Content is focused on the laws of the South Pacific region including the jurisdictions of the Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. The journal publishes a wide range of material and legal research including refereed articles, working papers, conference reports, case notes and book reviews.

Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal

An electronic refereed law journal published by the Faculty of Law at North-West University in South Africa. Articles by legal scholars focus on constitutional and development law in South Africa and may be written in Afrikaans, German, English or Dutch. The site presents the current volume and a collection of earlier issues from volume 1 (1998) onwards. Recent articles have examined the enforcement of socio-economic rights in South Africa, matrimonial property regimes and the effect of globalisation on the development of constitutionalism in South Africa.

National Conference of State Legislatures

Website for the US National Conference of State Legislatures, an organisation founded in 1975 to represent state interests before Congress, the administration and federal agencies. Membership is made up of US state lawmakers and legislative staff. The site outlines the work and policies of the organisation and features regular news, views and job listings. It describes the work of the NCSL's 12 standing committees which "develop the official policy statements that determine our positions on the wide range of federal actions that affect the states".

Famous Trials

Website compiled by Doug Linder, Professor of Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School, for educational and non-commercial purposes. Provides materials relating to famous trials, mostly American, ranging in date from the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692, to the Clinton Impeachment Trial of 1999. World trials are also featured e.g. the trials of Socrates and Galileo and the Nuremburg Trials.

All Law

An American portal to legal materials on the Internet created by AIS, Attorney Internet Services. The site offers links to US federal and state resources and international law resources via listings and structured search forms. Links to legal organisations and a topics index are available. The site also features a compilation of links to legal forms, a state attorney database, law school listing, and list of legal support service vendors.

New Zealand Refugee Law

New Zealand Refugee Law (RefNZ) provides a searchable database of all the decisions of New Zealand's Refugee Status Appeals Authority (RSAA), the full text of leading decisions, and Practice Notes of the RSAA. New Zealand High Court and Court of Appeal cases dealing with refugee issues are also provided, together with headnotes and a contents index. RefNZ additionally includes papers analysing on New Zealand refugee cases and a forum for comment on current refugee issues. Further sections of the site offer news, comments and statistics.


Website of LawGuru, a US legal resource site maintained and operated by WebSiteBroker, Inc. a California corporation. The site includes a message board where members of the public can post legal questions that will be answered by a lawyer. A database of these questions and answers can be searched by keyword or browsed by subject. A large number of legal forms can be purchased on the site. There is also a LawGuru wiki giving definitions of legal terms and a collection of short legal articles.

Harvard Human Rights Journal

Web pages of the Harvard Human Rights Journal, an annual journal edited by the students at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. The journal is aimed at academics and legal practitioners who work in human rights, and focuses on new developments and innovations in the human rights field. The site offers full text content from 1999 onwards and tables of contents from 1988 onwards. Recent issues have articles on United States ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, reform of the United Nations and extraordinary rendition.

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