
Philippine Supreme Court Decisions Online

This website presents selected Philippines Supreme Court decisions, in full-text HTML format. The information is sponsored by Chan Robles Law Net, provided by the Chan Robles Law firm in the Philippines. Featured decisions can be selected by year (annually from 1901 to 2006) and displayed in full. There is also background information on the Philippine legal system, information on the various courts, Supreme Court circulars and orders and court rules.

Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales

Website of the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales, an independant statutory body which aims to improve access to justice for people in NSW, Australia. The site has information about the full range of Law Foundation activities, including their publications, grants programme and research projects. A selection of publications is available to download from the site for free or to purchase online. There are also a number of free email newletters available providing information on the Foundation''s research and justice initiatives.

Association of Child Abuse Lawyers

Website for the UK's Association of Child Abuse Lawyers, an organisation aiming to offer practical support for lawyers and other professionals working for adults and children who have been abused. The site has advice aimed at survivors and contact details of solicitors specialising in child abuse work. There is a page of news stories, details of training courses and a page of related web links. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

Centre for Law and Society

The Centre for Law and Society is based at the Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh. Established in 1983, it researches criminology and legal theory. The website gives details of the Centre's publications, seminars and current areas of research. There is also information about postgraduate courses, conferences and the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime Project.

Charter of Liberties of Henry I, 1100

Full text of the Charter of Liberties of Henry I, 1100, issued by the King when he ascended the throne. The Charter granted the laws of Edward the Confessor, as amended by William the Conqueror, to the people, and established the rule of law in England. The Charter was an important pre-cursor to Magna Carta. This text is available on the Medieval Sourcebook, hosted by Fordham University in the United States.

Legal Island

Legal Island website, providing links to solicitors firms, bar councils, legal databases including those containing legislation, court judgments and sites to assist those engaged in legal research concerning the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The site provides an index of linked resources for both jurisdictions. The pages are maintained by Legal Island Ltd., a company involved in legal conferencing, training and information delivery.

Hammicks Legal Bookshops

Website of the specialist legal bookseller, Hammicks, which has branches in London, Manchester and Glasgow. The online bookshop allows users to search or browse the catalogue of legal titles by author, title, keyword or ISBN. Users can order titles online and check details of their account, if they hold one with the company. The site offers news and updates on legal publishing in the UK, details of exhibitions and events and a page of related web links.

Law Society of New South Wales

Website of the Law Society of New South Wales, the professional association for the solicitor's branch of the legal profession in the State of New South Wales, Australia. The site offers legal, professional and management resources for solicitors including access to the Law Society Journal, Caveat Bulletin, Library Catalogue, Law Society Precedents, information on professional conduct and regulation. Many of these are restricted to members only. Information aimed at the public includes advice on a number of legal topics, dealing with a lawyer and making a complaint.

European Information

A collection of annotated links to resources of interest to those researching and studying the European Union and to research sponsored by the European Community. The site was created in 2010 by the European Documentation Centre at the University of Exeter's Law Library. The site contains links concerning: European Documentation Centres; library catalogues; bibliographies; web searching; EU institutions; EU official publications; document collections, e.g.

UK Law Online

A directory of legal information guidance and source links on the Internet dedicated to United Kingdom law, developed by the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds. The site is arranged in sections under headings for: the Legal System, European law, Criminal Justice System, Civil Justice System, Informal Justice, Civil Liberties, Law of Contract and Tort and Current Events. Commentary and relevant links are provided by the site.

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