
Derechos Human Rights

Web pages of Derechos Human Rights, an organisation which campaigns against violations and provides information about human rights around the world, particularly in Latin America. The site can be browsed by subject or country. Subjects include the death penalty, the disappeared, freedom of speech, economic and social rights and the impunity of violators. There are country headings for Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Spain, United States and the European Union. There is a collection of articles and a human rights blog.


Official web pages of the Legal Information System of the Republic of Austria, co-ordinated and operated by the Austrian Federal Chancellery. At present, five sections of the Legal Information System are available on the Internet free of charge: database of Austrian federal law, database of state law, the case law, with full-text of the rulings, of the Administrative Court and of the Constitutional Court, and the norm list of the Administrative Court (the list of citation of regulations). The full-text of the Federal Law Gazette is available, from the 1983 edition onwards.

Recueil systématique du droit fédéral (Confoederatio Helvetica)

Official compilation of the laws of the Confederation of Switzerland, available in French, German and Italian versions. This collection of texts of Swiss federal law is available free of charge. Texts are available mainly in PDF format, with some HTML. The main listing is alphabetically by title. There are also lists of internal law (constitutional, penal, private, educational and social, defence, transport, health, economy), a list of international agreements, and a list of selected public law texts. The site includes a search engine.

Oikeusministeri: Ministry of Justice, Finland

Web pages of the Finnish Ministry of Justice in Helsinki. The pages are in Finnish, and some pages are in English or Swedish. The Ministry is responsible for legal policy, statute policy and the administration of justice in Finland. Particular duties of the Ministry include the drafting of laws, safeguarding the work of the judiciary, the punishment of offenders, and participating in the making of EU legislation. An organisational chart is included in English, and current legal news items are also available.


The official report of the proceedings of the UK Parliament, known as Hansard, available on the Parliament website. House of Commons debates, statements and written answers are provided from November 1988 onwards and House of Lords debates, statements and so on from November 1995 onwards; there is also a link to an archive of digitised Hansard from 1803 to 2005. Hansard on the Parliament website may be browsed by date, MP or peer and other criteria, but there is no search facility.

Iowa Law

Section of the Iowa General Assembly website providing the Code of the US State of Iowa (current and historical versions), Iowa acts (1993 - ) and the current texts of the Iowa Constitution, Administrative Code and Court Rules. A compilation of all Iowa election laws is also available. The Administrative Code is accompanied by the Iowa Administrative Bulletin (1997 - ), which publishes official notices about changes to the Code. All the laws on the site are both searchable and browseable.

Foundation for Information Policy Research

The Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR) is a UK organisation that works in the area of "... promoting, encouraging, commissioning and conducting research into the present and possible future effects on the general public (including economic, social and moral effects and effects on health and well-being) of developments in information technology ... " The organisation has an independent board of trustees and an advisory council that includes members from both the academic and private sectors.

US Department of Justice

Official government Internet site for the Department of Justice in the United States, describing the structure, operation and activities of the Department and its divisions and bureaux. A collection of publications, legal documents and reports are available from the site, including the Attorney General's Annual Report, Strategy documents consultation papers and selected decisions from cases of note. Topical legal news is provided, and press released dating back to 1994.

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