
American College of Legal Medicine

Web pages of the American College of Legal Medicine, a membership organisation concerned with the issues arising from the convergence of medicine and the law. The College provides educational courses, works to influence policy-making, promotes research and scholarship and facilitates communication between professionals. The site presents membership, background and organisational information. There are articles, an annotated list of related websites and guidelines for expert witnesses. Information on the College's publications is provided including contents pages and selected free articles.

World Law: Sri Lanka

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering Sri Lanka. A full range of browse and search features is available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to Government, Legislation, Other Indexes, and Parliament and subject areas including Alternative Dispute Resolution, Foreign Investment, Privatisation, Taxation, Revenue and Customs, and Telecommunications. A collection of stored searches will automatically search for materials relating to Sri Lanka on all of WorldLII.

World Law: Moldova

Links to legal materials for Moldova presented on WorldLII's World Law Index and Search Service. Link collections provide access to materials relating to Moldova's Legislation and Parliament with subject sections covering infrastructure and Privatisation. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Moldova on all of World Law supported by a remote site search facility. Site help and on screen translation facilities are also available.

British Columbia Law Institute

Website of the British Columbia Law Institute, based in Vancouver, Canada. The Institute was set up in 1997 and aims to promote the clarification of the law and its adaptation to modern social needs. The site contains background information on the Institute and includes the full-text (PDF) of its by-laws, completed reports and details of active law reform projects. Publications of the British Columbia Law Reform Commission from 1969 to 1997 can also be downloaded from the site in full in HTML, RTF or Word Perfect. A set of links to other law reform agencies is available.

International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

Founded in 1909 and based in Italy, the Association links academics from many countries with an interest in philosophy of law. The site contains background and organisational information about the IVR including full text copies of the IVR's constitution and procedural rules. There is information on IVR conferences and contact details of the national sections. The site hosts archives in English of the twice-yearly IVR Newsletter, including conference reports and announcements.

World law: Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein section of WorldLII's World Law Index and Search service. A number of search features are available on the site with links to Other Indexes covering Liechtenstein. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Liechtenstein on all of World Law. World Law was created and is being developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute as a public service.

World Law: Bulgaria

Section of WorldLII's World Law Index and Search service covering the Republic of Bulgaria. The site offers browse and search facilities including links to Court sites, Government, Law Reform, Legislation, Other Indexes, Parliament and Research Centres for Bulgaria. Further subject areas include: Capital Markets, Foreign Investment, Infrastructure, Privatisation and Secured Transactions. A stored search will automatically search for materials relating to Bulgaria on all of World Law. World Law was created and is being developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

World Law: Switzerland

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering Switzerland. A full range of browse and search features are provided. Browsable link collections include materials relating to the Courts, Government, Legislation, Other Indexes, Parliament and Research Centres with specific subject sections dealing with Financial Intelligence, Intellectual Property, Privacy and Taxation, Revenue and Customs. A series of stored search will automatically query all of the WorldLII catalog or databases.

World Law: Cyprus

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering the Republic of Cyprus. The site offers links to Cypriot court websites and general information about the Republic. There is also a search facility. This section of WorldLII was developed from work initiated by Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII).

Alaska Court System : Recent Supreme Court Decisions

Recent opinions for the Supreme Court in the US State of Alaska are provided on the State Government website, and on the Alaska Legal Resource Center site. Decisions are listed in date order on the State site, commencing with the most recent judgments. The list gives case number and name linking to full text in PDF format. Zipped and compressed file formats are also available. Decisions are removed from the site once they appear in print in the Pacific Reporter 2nd series.

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