
Scottish Sheriff Court Judgments

A small collection of case reports in criminal matters from the Scottish Sheriff Court, which deals with cases raising a significant point of law or matters of particular public interest. The Court site explains that for legal purposes "Scotland is split into six regions called Sheriffdoms". "Within these Sheriffdoms there are a total of forty-nine Sheriff Courts". "Most cases are heard before a judge called a Sheriff." Both the Scottish Courts site and BAILII pilot service offer the full-text of decisions without charge from September 1998 onwards.

Georgia Code

This site publishes an unannotated version of the Georgia Code, codified legislation arranged by title for the US State of Georgia. It is made available by LexisNexis and there is a copyright statement on entering the site. The statutes are up-to-date, and can be browsed or searched by keyword.

Arizona Revised Statutes

Online version of the Revised Statutes for the US State of Arizona published on the Arizona State Legislature website. It is updated to the 48th Legislature, 1st Regular Session effective from January 2008. The database can be consulted via a keyword search box or browsing the list of individual statutes organised by title. Other Legislature links include the Arizona State Constitution, Bills and press releases. The site also gives details on the contents of a CD-ROM version of the current Arizona Revised Statutes with purchasing information.

Illinois Compiled Statutes

Internet site offering a compilation of Illinois Statutes from databases used by members and staff of the Illinois General Assembly in the State of Illinois, USA. The provisions have not been edited for web publication and their accuracy is not assured. Information on the site is maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau for Illinois. The compilation is presented via a table of contents listing codified statutes in chapter number order. The site includes links to the full-text of Public Acts, to the Illinois Constitution, and to Bills and Regulations from the current General Assembly.

William Fry Solicitors

Internet site for the Dublin based law firm, William Fry solicitors. The site promotes the work of the firm with background information on practice areas, employment opportunities, apprenticeships, publications and partner profiles. A selection of in-house articles are presented in PDF dealing with legal topics relating to Ireland. These include asset mangement, environmental law, insurance, investment, tax and property. There is also a legal news bulletin giving details of legal developments in Irish law.

McCann Fitzgerald Solicitors

Website for one of Ireland's largest law firms. The site describes and promotes the work of the firm, highlighting areas of current specialisation in banking and financial services. "Legal Update", an electronic newsletter, appears twice yearly on the site. Legal Briefings provide information on specific subjects and can be downloaded as PDFs from the site or requested by email. Recent briefings have looked at export of cultural goods, investment funds in Ireland and Irish merger control.

Courts Service Ireland

Official website of the Irish Courts Service, providing judgments of the Supreme Court (from 2001), the High Court and the Court of Criminal Appeal (2004 onwards) in a searchable or browseable database. Background information on the history and work of the courts is available, together with court rules, forms, practice directions, news items and a diary of current and future cases. Information pamphlets and statistics are also provided and there is a glossary of legal terms.

An online guide to securities law in the United States aiming to provide the "Internet community" with information "regarding the law as it relates to the United States financial markets, and those who participate in those markets - stock brokers and investors". The site contains selected reports published by the US Securities and Exchange Commission and features headlines and current new items from the SEC. SECLaw was developed by Mark J. Astarita, partner in a US law firm specialising in securities law.

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