
Federal Court of Canada

Official website for the Federal Court of Canada, providing brief background information on the history, constitution and jurisdiction of the Court along with biographies of the Federal Court judges. Background information is also given to the Canadian courts and justice system. Links to the full-text of the Canada Federal Court Reports since 1993 are provided, as are a site search engine and search and browse options for the decisions. Federal Court rules, forms, practice guides and relevant guides are additionally made available in full text.


The website of the German Federal Administrative Court provides general information on the history, functions and procedure of the Court, including a table of allocation of business among its several chambers (Senates). It is now based in Leipzig. Press releases, giving summaries of individual decisions, are available in full-text from 1997. Access to these is by year and number (roughly chronological), with links from an entry in the table to the text itself. There is a page of links to the other German federal courts, and the administrative courts of the Länder.

National Archive of Criminal Justice Data

The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) is a branch of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan. NACJD acquires, archives, processes, and provides access to computer-readable criminal justice data collections for research and instruction. The NACJD website, hosted and developed by the University of Michigan, provides downloadable access to over 550 criminal justice data collections free of charge. The data relates to penal law and criminal justice at US Federal and State levels.

Centre for Criminological Research and Probation Studies Unit, University of Oxford

Web pages for the University of Oxford's Centre for Criminological Research and Probation Studies Unit. The site describes the history, work and resources of the Centre and Unit which involves empirical research into current problems of criminal and penal policy in the UK. The site outlines the courses, seminars, publications and research projects undertaken by the Centre. Information about the Centre's Library, contact details for staff members and information on job vacancies are also given. Additionally a list of links to other relevant sites is provided.

Lauterpacht Centre for International Law

Web pages for the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge. The site describes the structure, staffing, work and facilities of the Centre. Information on current projects covers the State Responsibility Project, Corporate Complicity Project, Arms Trade Treaty Project and the Customary International Humanitarian Law Project. The site also provides details of forthcoming events and publications such as the International Environmental Law Reports and the International Law Reports.


The German Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) web pages give information, in German, on the jurisdiction, structure and activities of the Court. They are hosted by the University of Karlsruhe. There is a description of the allocation of different types of cases among the several chambers (Senates), current lists of the judges of the Court and lawyers working in the Court, an historical list of presidents of the Court, a description of the Library, and copies of the Court's annual reports and judicial statistics since 1996.

Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica

The IISL was founded in 1988. It is associated with many European and Non-European universities as well as an international network of sociologists of law. The Institute offers courses in the sociology of law and the website gives details of conferences and seminars. There are details of publications and an online library catalogue with details of books, journal articles and unpublished materials. A selection of articles and papers are free to download from the site.

Attorney General's Office

Website of the Attorney General's Office. The Attorney General and Solicitor General are the chief legal advisers to the government and deal with questions of law arising on government bills and with issues of legal policy. The site has information about all areas of the Attorney General's work, details of Freedom of Information requests and copies of the Attorney General's Guidelines on the law relating to prosecutions. There are also press releases, recent speeches of the Law Officers and a page of links to other government law sites.

Legislation of Alberta

Full text legislation of the state of Alberta in Canada made freely available on the website of the Alberta King's Printer. Legislation can be browsed alphabetically, by department or searched by keyword or ISBN. A complete list of acts and/or regulations can also be viewed. Codes administered by the Government of Alberta, the Government of Canada and the Canadian Standards Association are also provided on the site.

Compliance Exchange

Website of the Compliance Exchange which acts as an "online research facility for compliance officers and other professionals engaged in the business of managing investments". The site provides news and links to UK financial services information along with links to the investment and securities regulators and to stock exchanges, financial services associations around the world. An online rulebook offers links to the relevant documents covering UK financial services regulations and rules.

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