Australian Law Reform Commission

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Website for the Australian Law Reform Commission, a permanent independent federal statutory corporation, established in 1975. The Commission is a very effective and influential agent for legal reform in Australia, and publishes a wide range of publications, including Consultation Papers, Final Reports, Annual Reports and Reform journal. The site provides a full listing of all these publications, and provides access to most recent reports in full-text. Since public consultation has always been an important feature, individual issues papers have email composition links for feedback. Reform journal is a subscription title so full text is available for older articles only, with abstracts available for current issues. The site also includes details of members of the Commission, instructions on making comments and submissions, details of current and past inquiries, news items, media releases and briefing papers, and details of other law reform bodies worldwide with email and URL addresses and links where applicable. The Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) hosts a Website for the Commission, which mirrors the full list of publications with selected full-text documents, and also includes the Australian Law Commission Act 1996 in full-text, under which the Commission operates.

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