United Kingdom

Scottish Justices Association

Web pages of the Scottish Justices Association (SJA). This body was established in 2007 to represent Justices of the Peace in Scotland following the unification of JP Courts with Sheriff Courts. The site gives a history of JPs in Scotland and copies of the SJA constitution, standing orders and rules. There are details of SJA meetings, recent news items and links to related websites.


The Panopticon blog is maintained by barristers at 11KBW in London. It monitors developments taking place in information law. The site has a section explaining what information law covers, including areas such as "data protection, freedom of information, the protection of private information under article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, breach of confidence, and the regulation of surveillance". Posts cover legal news stories including links to original sources, decisions, legislation and reports.

Carbon Capture Legal Programme

Website of the Carbon Capture Legal Programme (CCLP) a project developed by the Centre for Law and the Environment at University College London. The purpose of the project is to provide information on and access to key legal materials concerning Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). This collection is now hoted by the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute.


Website of ClientEarth, an independent environmental charity whose aim is to protect the environment through the use of law. The site has profiles of the trustees, staff, associates and advisors of ClientEarth along with an outline of the main programme areas ClientEarth is concerned with. These cover climate and energy, environmental justice and marine protection.

Insite Law magazine

Website of Insite Law magazine which is produced by Mike Semple Piggot and aimed at legal practitioners and students. The site offers podcasts of interviews with people working in different areas of the law and legal education. Recent podcasts have covered topics such as standards in UK universities, the rising costs of legal education and what is involved in doing a Ph.D. There are also interviews with the Chair of the UK Innocence Network Committee, Head of Legal at Liberty and the Director of Justice along with a series of podcasts focusing on the Bar and pupillage.

Scottish Human Rights Commission

The Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC) was created by The Scottish Commission for Human Rights Act 2006, and formed in 2008. This followed several years of reports and feasibility studies. Its mandate is to "promote all human rights ¹ civil, political, economic, social and cultural". The website contains details of the Commission's Strategic Plan, and will also include news, publications and events as they become available.

Guernsey Legal Resources

The Guernsey Legal Resources website is a joint initiative of the Royal Court of Guernsey and the Law Officers of the Crown. The site a range of materials, including laws of Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and the Bailiwick of Guernsey (the latter consists of the three jurisdictions of Guernsey, Alderney and Sark) and ordinances for Guernsey and Sark. The Guernsey Law Reports 2003 to 2012 are available, with indexes by case (reported and cited), subject and legislation cited.

Gibbs Wyatt Stone

Website of Gibbs Wyatt Stone, a UK-based law firm specialising in legal costs disputes. Includes a regular newsletter, Costs Law Update, which has information on legal developments, cases and publications in this area of law. There is also a blog, with an archive of posts back to 2002.

Public Law Project

The Public Law Project (PLP) is a UK-based legal charity whose aim is to improve access to justice in public law matters. The site provides information about the PLP and its work, including research, casework and training. Background information is given about public law is and there are leaflets on topics such as judicial review and making a complaint to the Ombudsman. Research reports, articles and press releases can be downloaded from the site.

City of London Law Society

Website of the City of London Law Society (CLLS) the professional body representing solicitors and law firms in the City of London. The site provides organisational information about CLLS including the names of committee members, a copy of the constitution and business plan. There is information about CLLS µs specialist committees including minutes of meetings, reports and other documentation. News of the Societyãs latest activities is delivered via an e-briefing which can be downloaded from the site along with a selection of precedent documents.

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