United Kingdom

Centre for Criminal Justice Studies

The Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, established in 1987, is an interdisciplinary research institute at the University of Leeds. Resources that can be accessed from the site include annual reports and summaries of recent research papers. The site also provides a publications list, news and information about conferences and public seminars. In addition there is events information and an extensive list of links to related websites.

Society of Advocates in Aberdeen

Website of the Society of Advocates in Aberdeen, an organisation representing lawyers working in the area. The site has general and historical information about the Society and its facilities. There is membership information and contact details are given for members of the Management Committee. The Resources section offers access to the Society's online library catalogue, forthcoming events and a page of related web links.

PLC Competition

PLC Competition is a subscription database aimed at commercial lawyers and competition specialists providing updates, practical guidance and information on developments in key areas of competition law. PLC Competition is one of the services offered by legal information provider, Practical Law Company. The service includes information on UK competition law in the form of practice notes, checklists, precedents and other resources.

Gray's Inn Tax Chambers

Website of Gray's Inn Tax Chambers, a specialist set whose services include tax advice and tax appeals. The site publishes a newsletter, the GITC Review. A selection of tax cases in which, barristers from Gray's Inn Tax Chambers have appeared is also available.

Music Law Updates

Music Law Updates provides news and information on legal developments in intellectual property law relevant to the music and entertainment industries. The resource is produced by Ben Challis, a UK entertainment law specialist. The site also has articles by Challis and others, together with a guide to music business contracts and a set of links to relevant websites.

UK Music

UK Music is a research and lobby group representing music creators and publishers. The Policy section of its website includes information about copyright reviews, including UK Music's submissions to government consultations, and an overview of the Live Music Act 2012.

Information Literacy Resource Bank

The Information Literacy Resource Bank (ILRB) is a repository of learning resources designed for Cardiff University teachers. It has tutorials, quizzes, demonstrations, diagrams and images that can be downloaded and incorporated into learning materials. Subjects such as search techniques, citing references, databases and plagiarism are included in the repository, with a number focusing specifically on law and legal materials. Learning objects can be browsed by type or subject.

Professional Negligence Lawyers Association

Website of the Professional Negligence Lawyers Association (PNLA) an organisation made up of solicitors who undertake professional negligence work. The site is also intended to provide a reference point for members of the public who are in dispute with a professional. The site contains membership information and a directory of PNLA members which can be searched by name, location and expertise.

Insolvency Lawyers Association

Website of the Insolvency Lawyers Association (ILA), a special interest group promoting the role of insolvency lawyers and providing information and a forum for lawyers practising insolvency law. Publicly accessible parts of the site have organisational information, the names of council and committee members, articles of association and details of forthcoming events. A directory of members can be browsed by name or region. There is a page of related web links and details on how to join. The rest of the site is restricted to members only.

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