United Kingdom

BIALL How Do I? wiki

The How Do I? wiki is written by members of the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) PR and Promotions Committee. The service is aimed at law librarians but is made freely available on the BIALL website. The wiki provides answers to questions asked by law librarians on the Lis-Law jiscmail list and can be accessed by broad subject headings, a detailed alphabetical listing or by using the search engine. Subject headings include legislation, judgments and courts, conventions and treaties, European Union and books and journals.

Stair Society

Website of the Stair Society an organisation established in 1934 "to encourage the study and advance the knowledge of Scots Law by the publication of original documents and by the reprinting and editing of works of sufficient rarity or importance". The site has organisational and membership information about the Society and details are given of the annual lectures held by the Society.

Legal History of Australia and the United Kingdom

A research guide on the legal history of Australia and the UK created and maintained by the Law Library at Melbourne Law School. Links are given to legal history resources and materials held in collections at the University of Melbourne. There are sections including legal history blogs, resources focusing on Australia and the Common Law Tradition and legal history societies and collections.


Centre for Competition Law and Policy

Website of the Centre for Competition Law and Policy (CCLP) at the University of Oxford. Teaching and research focuses on competition regulation in the UK, EU and US, as well international aspects of competition law and antitrust economics. Training programmes on competition law and policy are offered to practitioners, judges, academics and students. The site has profiles of staff and details of conferences, workshops and lectures taking place at the CCLP.

Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal

Website of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, which hears cases involving breaches of the rules of professional conduct by solicitors.The site describes the functions and powers of the Tribunal and provides access to annual reports, practice directions and recent cause lists. Written findings of the Tribunal are linked to on the Solicitors Regulation Authority website.

Hamlyn Lectures

This website provides free access to the Hamlyn Lectures, a collection of public lectures by judges, legal academics, practitioners and other eminent speakers. The lectures are made available by the Hamlyn Trust, a charity supporting public legal education in the United Kingdom, and hosted on the website of the University of Exeter, School of Law. This collection has selected lectures delivered from 1949 to 2004 including contributions from Lord Denning, Lord Devlin, Lord Scarman, Henry Cecil, Lord Hailsham and Lord Woolf.

Law and Regulation

Website of the Business Law Department of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) providing information on legal and regulatory issues affecting accountants. There is a section on company law, providing guidance on the Companies Act 2006 with links to ministerial statements, government guidance, a copy of the Act and useful links. The Business Crime and Misconduct section includes guidance for accountants on bribery, corruption and fraud, unlicensed arms dealing and criminal cartels.

Legal Services Board

The Legal Services Board (LSB) is an independent body responsible for overseeing the regulation of solicitors, barristers, legal executives, licensed conveyors, patent and trade mark attorneys, law costs draughtsmen and notaries in England and Wales. FAQs provide background information on the LSB and the site also has policies and procedures, speeches, press releases and news items. There are links to the approved regulators and to other related sites.

Doughty Street Chambers

Website of Doughty Street Chambers a UK based chambers specialising in human rights and civil liberties law. The site provides profiles of barristers, academic experts and other staff at the chambers and information on the areas of law covered. A collection of articles and papers and CPD podcasts by Doughty Street Chambers' barristers, associate tenants and academic experts are available to download from the site. Free registration is required to download the podcasts. The site also has a page of links to related human rights websites.

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