United Kingdom

England and Wales Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) Decisions

A BAILII database containing decisions of the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales. The database contains all decisions as provided by official shorthand writers WordWave International Ltd, for the period May 1996 to August 1999. Selected decisions from 1964 onwards are also available. Cases are listed alphabetically by party name and chronologically by year. The system features a search facility and a list of Recent Cases.

United Kingdom House of Lords Decisions

A BAILII database, providing all judicial decisions of the UK Parliament's House of Lords from 14 November 1996 to 30 July 2009 (after which date the Supreme Court took over from the House of Lords). Selected decisions from 1838 onwards are also provided. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service aiming to deliver free access to primary legal materials for the UK and of Ireland.

United Kingdom Legislation

A web database, forming part of the British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) service, containing the full-text of unconsolidated statutes made by the United Kingdom Parliament from 1988 to date. Full text revised primary legislation from 1267 onwards is provided from the UK Statute Law Database (SLD) database. An alphabetical browsing menu links to legislation listed by title, complemented by comprehensive search options. BAILII is a collaborative service aiming to provide free access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

Current Legal Research Topics Database

A web database of Current Legal Research Topics being pursued by postgraduate law students based in the United Kingdom. Database entries record the subjects of research currently being pursued (i.e. provisional dissertation titles) by students registered for research degrees in law at higher education institutions in the UK. Researchers can search the database by: word(s)in the dissertation title; subject keywords or the name of a jurisdiction; name of student and name of University.

Society of Messengers-at-Arms and Sheriff Officers

Webpages for the Society of Messengers-at-Arms and Sheriff Officers, the professional association of process servers and officers of civil courts in Scotland. A Messenger-At Arms is an officer of the Scottish Court of session, the supreme civil court in Scotland. Sheriff Officers are commissioned officials of the regional civil courts and Sheriff courts in Scotland. The pages offer a brief history of the profession, notes on the Society's international affiliations, and list of members' services outlining the range of activities in which the profession is involved.

Coventry Law Centre

Website of Coventry Law Centre, a registered charity providing free legal advice and representation to the community of Coventry. The site provides information about employment law, housing, immigration and education and welfare benefits, including fact sheets and related web links.

Scottish Council for International Arbitration

Web pages for an independent body promoting international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution facilities in Scotland. The site describes services for disputants with outline information on the Scottish legal system and tradition, emphasising Scotland's suitability as a venue for servicing and hearing disputes. A set of papers describing the handling of arbitration in Scotland, including a synopsis of the Scottish Arbitration Code 1999; Scotland and the UNCITRAL model law; and How the Scottish Courts Support the Arbitration Process are provided on the site in Word format.

Legal Technology Insider

Online newsletter looking at legal technology matters and news stories relating to internet, e-commerce and new media developments in the United Kingdom and internationally. The journal is published monthly by UK-based electronic publisher Charles Christian and presents items of news, comment and analysis supplemented by notes on cases of interest. Current issues are available on subscription only but archived issues from 1995 onwards can be freely downloaded from the site. Issues are presented in HTML and PDF.

Jersey Law Commission

The Jersey Law Commission is responsible for the review and development of law and the legal justice system in the Channel Island of Jersey. Research topics have covered areas such as: the Law of Real Property, Law of Contract and Law of Tutelles. The site contains a number of online documents in HTML format, including selected Consultation Papers from 1998 onwards, Topic Reports, and Annual Reports from 1996 onwards.

Legal Services Research Centre

Archived website of the Legal Services Research Centre, which carried out research on the subject of legal aid from 1996 to 2013, when it closed. The Centre was the research division of the UK's Legal Services Commission. The website provides information about the Centre's projects concerning administration of justice issues, along with details of the annual conference and useful links.

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