
European Judicial Atlas in Civil Matters

The European Judicial Atlas in Civil Matters is an EU website providing information for those involved in cross-border litigation in Europe. The site includes contact details for courts in EU member states and guidance relating to the service of documents, taking of evidence and the recognition and enforcement of judgments. There is a collection of forms that can be completed online. Although the site is concerned with civil and commercial litigation, there is also a link to information about compensation for victims of crime.

Direct Selling Europe

Website of Direct Selling Europe an online information resource providing details of the organisation's aims and activities in the area of direct selling. European in scope, this trade association represents renowned direct selling companies and associations and is committed to promoting a legislative environment that aids the development and operations of its members. The site offers definitions of what direct selling is, and what it is not; typical companies and products in the industry and data on the numbers of people involved in direct selling.

European Advertising Standards Alliance

Website of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) a non-profit organisation based in Brussels bringing together national advertising self-regulatory organisations for the advertising industry in Europe. The organisation's membership comprises national advertising self-regulatory organisations and other associations within the industry who support self-regulation. The site includes information about self-regulation and a copy of the EASA Charter.

European Commission's Trade Department

This is part of the website of the European Commission's Directorate General for Trade. It is devoted to EU trade policy instruments and the WTO system of international trade. It includes a database of information about WTO disputes involving the EU. There are sections about the Trade Barriers Regulation, anti-dumping and anti-subsidy rules, safeguards, the Injurious Pricing Regulation, trade defence instruments and EU Monitoring of third country commercial defence actions. Legislation, reports and other documents are provided and an overview of each topic is given.

European Parliament: Supporting Analyses

This part of the European Parliament's website provides a searchable database of research produced by European Parliament departments. All aspects of the work of the European Parliament are covered, including legal affairs, constitutional affairs, agriculture, the economy, human rights, the environment, international trade and freedom security and justice. In addition to the database itself, there is a subject catalogue of the documents it contains, providing brief details but not the full text.

European Aviation Safety Agency

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is a regulatory agency of the European Union whose role is to maintain and improve aviation safety in Europe. The website explains the EASA's structure and functions and gives information about its activities in the fields of rulemaking, certification, maintenance, environmental protection, Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) and procurement. EASA documentation is available, including Opinions and Decisions. The site also has proceedings from Management Board meetings.

Courts and Tribunals in Belgium

Website of the Belgium courts and tribunals covering the administration of justice in Belgium. It gives contact details and background information for Belgian courts including the Cour de Cassation, Cours d'Appel, Cours du Travail and various tribunals.  There is also general information for the public about the law and the judicial system in Belgium. The site is available in French, Dutch or German.

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

This section of the European Parliament's website contains the full text of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union with detailed commentary on each chapter. Links are provided to relevant national, international and EU laws. Annexes contain reports by independent experts on the safeguarding of fundamental rights in Europe; UN and Council of Europe conventions; and a list of NGOs involved in the field of fundamental rights.

Does the European Union Have a Constitution? Does It Need One?

Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper 5/2000 by Jean-Claude Piris, published on the website of New York University Law School's Jean Monnet Centre for International and Regional Economic Law and Justice. The paper discusses constitutional issues relating to the European Union. This includes an examination of whether the founding treaties of the EU constitute a 'constitution' and how they could be strengthened.

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