
European Commission

The European Commission is the European Union’s executive institution. Its website provides links to a large amount of information about EU policies and legislation, together with EU news and details of the Commission’s organisational structure and work programme. The site is available in all the official languages of the EU.


The JURE (JUrisdiction Recognition Enforcement) is a database of case law developed by the European Commission. It is now part of EUR-Lex. It contains judgments of the European Court of Justice and the courts of Member States concerning the Brussels Convention (1968), the Lugano Convention (1988), the Brussels I Regulation (2000), the Brussels II Regulation (2000), the New Brussels II Regulation (2003) and the New Lugano Convention (2007). The judgments are in the original language, with summaries in English, French and German (and the original language, if available).

International Association of Young Lawyers

Website of the International Association of Young Lawyers, also known as L'Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats, a worldwide professional association of lawyers aged 45 or under. The site lists AIJA officers, standing commissions with responsibility for specific subject areas and issues and national representatives. Details of AIJA events, congresses and seminars with options to down load selected congress programs in PDF format are also provided.

ACI Europe

The ACI is a non-profit organisation of airport operators that aims to represent their interests. Their European region site has details of conferences, news releases and policy statements on matters such as air passenger rights, environmental issues, airport charges and security. There is also an airports database, although advanced search is restricted to ACI members. The site is in English.

Comité Maritime International

Comité Maritime International (CMI) is an international non-governmental organisation established in 1897 to promote the unification of maritime law. Its website explains the history, structure and development of CMI and makes available its constitution and rules of procedure. A collection of jurisprudence on international maritime conventions is provided. Other online texts include the Rotterdam Rules, their travaux préparatoires and associated information; the York-Antwerp Rules; the CMI Uniform Rules for Sea Waybills ;and the CMI Rules for Electronic Bills of Lading.

General Report on the Activities of the European Union

This website provides access to the full text of all the official EU annual reports from 1997 to date, giving an overview of all EU activities and policy. Topics covered include: European integration, progress towards European Union enlargement, finance and budgets, the work of individual institutions such as the European Commission, the development of EU law, the work of the intergovernmental conference and progress in the field of human rights. There is a search facility covering the full text of all the reports from 2003 onwards.

World Customs Organization

Website of the World Customs Organization (WCO) an "independent intergovernmental body whose mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of customs administration". The site publishes historical and organisational details about the WCO. There are fact sheets on different aspects of international trade and documents relating to customs issues including harmonisation, capacity building and cross border crime. The full-text (PDF) of customs conventions and other convention documents are available, as published from the 1950s to the present.

European Parliament Fact Sheets

The European Parliament's website, Europarl, provides access to a collection of basic fact sheets for members of the public about the history, current organisation and policies of the European Union. The fact sheets are grouped under six main headings: How the European Community Words, Citizens' Europe, The Internal Market, Common Policies, Economic and Monetary Union and The Union's External Relations.

European safety and health legislation

Website of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. The Agency was set up by the European Union to serve the information needs of those interested in occupational health and safety issues in member countries. This section of the site provides access to directives, standards and guidelines along with other official documentation of the European Union. Full text legislation is linked to on the EUR-Lex database. There is also guidance to health and safety legislation of individual member countries with links to key texts provided on external sites.

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