

Portal to Belgian law: the site links to searchable databases of legislation, jurisprudence and parliamentary proceedings. The Legislation section features national Belgian legislation, the Flemish Code, official government gazette and international legislation covering the Benelux Economic Union, European Union and treaties applicable in domestic law. The Jurisprudence section includes judgments from the Constitutional Court, Council of State and Court of Cassation. The site is available in Dutch, French, German or English.

European Commission Directorate General for Education Youth, Sport and Culture

Website of the European Commission Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. The main sections of the site are Education and Training (with links to EU programmes, such as Erasmus), Lifelong Learning, Culture, Youth, Multilingualism and Sport. The site provides access to an extensive selection of online publications including information on the various policy areas and programs of the DG. The site is available in all the EU official languages, although some documents are only in a select few.

Migration Policy Group

The Migration Policy Group (MPG) is an independent group based in Brussels which seeks to influence and improve public policy making relating to international migration. Its website provides information on the aims of the group, MPG's programmes and projects, national migration country reports, publications and journals including the 'Migration News Sheet'

European Commission: Data Protection

This part of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice website deals with data protection in the European Union. There is a guide to download outlining EU citizens’ rights regarding data protection and information relating to Directive 95/46/EC (the data protection Directive). The site also has EU legislation and case law, links to national legislation and to data protection regulatory bodies in EU and EFTA member states.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a political and military alliance between North America and Europe. Its aim is to maintain peace and stability through cooperative action. The NATO website contains information about the Organization’s purpose, structure and activities. The North Atlantic Treaty and its protocols are available, together with NATO ministerial communiqués (1949 onwards) and other official documents. The site also provides news, transcripts of speeches and an online bookshop.

European Parliament

The European Parliament’s website offers a large amount of information the institution, its political groups and members. The home page has links livestreamed parliamentary proceedings and news. It also links to the Legislative Observatory and Legislative Train, both of which track the progress of legislation, and to the EP's Think Tank, which provides policy analysis. The Plenary section covers parliamentary proceedings and there is a Committees section focusing on the activities of parliamentary committees. The site can be viewed in any of the official languages of the EU.

European Commission: Competition

Website of the European Commission’s Competition Directorate-General, covering six policy areas: antitrust, cartels, mergers, state aid, liberalisation and international matters. The site includes a substantial database of Commission competition decisions, together with lists of national court cases concerning EU competition law. It also provides EU competition legislation, reports, studies, press releases, notices from the Official Journal and additional information.


Dec.Nat is a database of information about national courts' decisions relating to European Union law. Provided by the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union, it covers more than 20,000 decisions, from 1959 to the present. Each record gives details of the court, parties, case references, subject and legislation considered, together with law report citations. The full text of the decision is not included. Dec.Nat. is available in English and French.

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