
Cour de Justice Benelux

The Benelux Court of Justice came into being in 1974, with the role of ensuring consistent application of laws common to Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg and hearing disputes relating to the civil service of the Benelux economic union. The Court's website provides a register of past and forthcoming cases and the text of all judgments and decisions. The Court's founding treaty, rules of procedure and other constitutional documents are also available, under 'Documents de base'. Background information about the Court is given, plus a list of its officers.

Public procurement

This European Commission site provides a substantial amount of information about EU public procurement rules and policy. Legislation, guidelines, reports and explanatory notes are available, plus details of consultations and general information about remedies, public private partnerships, electronic public procurement and defence procurement. International aspects of public procurement are covered and there is news of the Commission's activities to counter infringements of the rules. The site is in English and can be translated into other EU languages automatically. 

International agreements

Collection of international agreements entered into by the EU. Part of the EUR-Lex database. it comprises bilateral and multilateral treaty texts, with information about their validity and dates of effect, and links to related documents. It can be browsed by policy area - under 'Directory of international agreements' - or searched. The collection does not include the founding treaties, nor other fundamental treaties: these are found in the separate 'Treaties' collection on EUR-Lex. EUR-Lex is available in all the official languages of the EU.

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