
Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe

The Council of the Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) is the official representative body for the legal profession in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). It is also a Council of Europe consultative body. The website describes the CCBE's structure and work, lists its member bars and law societies and provides a directory of committee officers. The Documents section includes the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers and position papers on more than 25 subjects, ranging from access to justice and world trade to contract law and VAT.


Website of Cepani, the Belgian Center for Arbitration and Mediation, originally founded by the International Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Belgian Companies. The site provides organisational information relating to the Center along with details of activities and study groups. There are sections covering Cepani's work in arbitration, mediation and domain name disputes including procedural information, Cepani's rules and relevant sections of the Belgian Judicial Code. Decisions of domain name disputes Cepani has been involved with can be downloaded from the site.

European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law

The European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL) is an informal network of environmental authorities from the EU Member States and candidate countries, plus Norway. Set up in 1992, IMPEL aims to promote more effective application of legislation on the environment, particularly EU legislation. Current projects concernthe implementation of the EU emissions trading scheme and the application of legislation on the control of industrial pollution .

European e-Justice portal

The e-Justice portal is a one-stop shop for lawyers, businesses and members of the public concerned with cross-border legal questions in Europe. It has information about the judicial and legal systems of all member states and provides access to EU and national legislation and case law. 15 tools or dynamic functions are available, including Find a Lawyer, Find a Company, the Fundamental Rights Interactive Tool, the Competent Court Database and a training platform for lawyers and the judiciary. The site can be accessed in all the official EU languages.

State-sponsored homophobia

Series of reports issued every year or so by The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA World). Available in English and Spanish, they provide a worldwide survey of national legal systems and laws, highlighting discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Financial Law Institute

Website of the Financial Law Institute a research and teaching unit within the Faculty of Law at Ghent University in Belgium. Research activity at the Institute is focused on company and financial law and covers regulation, corporate governance and banking law. The site provides profiles of Board Members and working papers are made freely available on the site from 1999 onwards in PDF. The more recent papers are provided via the Social Science Research Network.

ECGI's Working Papers in Law

Collection of working papers dealing with the legal aspects of corporate governance, business and finance made freely available by the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), a not for profit organisation conducting research into corporate governance issues. The working papers are written by ECGI Fellows and Research Associates and recent topics have included securities laws, international corporate regimes and civil liability and mandatory disclosure.

Association for International Arbitration

Website of the Association for International Arbitration (AIA) an organisation concerned with the promotion of arbitration as a form alternative dispute resolution. The site gives details of past and future events organised by the AIA along with the Associationãs publications. There is a directory of members which can be searched or browsed by profession including academics, arbitrators, mediators and counsellors.

L'Institut de Droit international

The Institute of International Law is a learned society that promotes the development of international law. It was established in 1873 and is based in Belgium. Membership is drawn from eminent international lawyers from around the world. The website provides a history of the institute and the text of its statutes; online versions of the Yearbook of the Institute of International Law from 1873 to 2000; the Institute's resolutions, reports and declarations; a bibliography of publications by and about the Institute; and a directory of members.

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