International Law

American University Law Review

The American University Law Review is the oldest and largest law journal of Washington College of Law at the American University, Washington D.C. There are six issues a year, including a special annual issue on decisions of the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals on patent law, international trade, government contracts and Native American law. Contributors include judges, professors and practitioners as well as students. The online version begins with volume 45 no.1 (October 1995), and full text is available free in PDF format from volume 47 no.1 (October 1997).

Law and Contemporary Problems

Law and Contemporary Problems is a scholarly journal which has been published by Duke University School of Law since 1933. Each issue is devoted to a particular topic of contemporary interest, usually with an interdisciplinary perspective. The current issue and past issues from 1996(3) onwards are freely available on the website.

New York University Journal of International Law and Politics

Founded in 1968 with the aid of a Ford Foundation Grant, the New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (JILP) features articles on international legal topics by leading scholars and practitioners, as well as notes, case comments and book annotations. JILP publishes four issues per year on diverse topics in both public and private international law. From volume 36 (2003/04) onwards each article is available in full, free of charge. For earlier volumes (back to vol. 26), contents lists are provided, with links to abstracts of some articles.

Columbia Law Review

Founded in 1901, the Columbia Law Review is a an independent non-profit corporation edited and published entirely by students at Columbia Law School. Eight issues are published each year. Articles deal with a wide variety of legal issues and jurisdictions, with an emphasis on US and international affairs. The website offers the full text of articles from the current and past three issues, together with contents pages and article summaries from previous issues (back to 1998/99).

Gonzaga Journal of International Law

The Gonzaga Journal of International Law is a practice-oriented international law journal. It is edited by students from Gonzaga University School of Law in the US and includes articles, essays and commentary by practitioners, academics, students, business professionals and government officials. The entire series is available free on the web in html and pdf format.

Alabama Law Review

This is the full text online edition of the US law school journal published up to five times a year. Online version begins with Volume 48, No. 1, Fall 1996. The journal aims to contribute to information exchange and development of legal scholarship through the medium of the Internet.

Avalon Project : the Barbary treaties 1786-1836

The Barbary Treaties were a series of nine agreements concluded by the United States and the Barbary nations of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli, between 1786-1836. This site provides the text of most of these documents, taken from volumes 2 and 3 of 'Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States of America' (US Government Printing Office,1931). An introduction and notes to the treaties by the editor, Hunter Miller, are also available. The information is provided by the Avalon project at Yale University.

human-rights-50 mailing list archive

This list is to encourage academic discourse on the impact of the International Declaration of Human Rights 50 years on. Open to researchers and students, this list seeks to explore current issues and questions of the future relevance of the declaration & to be a general information resource. The site contains an archive of all messages submitted to the list (they are retained for 2 years) which can be interrogated using the free text or keyword search facility.

Journal of International Economic Law

The Journal of International Economic Law, published by Oxford University Press, focuses on the legal aspects of economic activity that crosses national borders. The Web page contains contents tables and abstracts of past and current issues, together with information about subscriptions, the editorial board, advertising rates and instructions for prospective authors. The article titles and abstracts can be searched by keyword and there is a service for emailing new tables of contents.

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