International Law

Researching the Harmonization of International Commercial Law

Online guide to the harmonization of international commercial law written by Loren Turner who is the Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Librarian at the University of Minnesota Law School. The guide was published in 2005 (and updated in 2022) on the Globalex website and made freely available by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. It provides an introduction to the subject and to the types of instruments of harmonization.


GlobaLex is a large collection of legal research guides covering foreign and international law, published by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law. It is aimed at legal academics, practitioners and librarians. The guides are organised under the following headings: International Law Research; Comparative Law Research; Foreign Law Research; and Tools for Building Foreign, Comparative and International Law Collections. They provide commentary and background information as well as links to key web resources.

Opinio Juris

Opinio Juris is a blog devoted to international law and international relations. Its posts seek 'to describe and analyse international law where it is most controversial and ambiguous.' It was established in 2005 by Chris Borgen of St. John's University Law School, Peggy McGuinness of the University of Missouri Law School and Julian Ku of Hofstra Law School; since 2018 it has been run in partnership with the International Commission of Jurists. The blog can be browsed by region or by topic. 

World Jurist Association

The World Jurist Association (WJA) is a US-based non-governmental organisation, founded in 1963 to provide a forum for lawyers, judges and academics seeking to promote the rule of law worldwide. The website gives information about the work of the Association, events, membership and internships. The Publications section lists WJA conference papers ("WorkPapers"), which can be ordered for a small fee; it also provides contents lists and abstracts for the Association's journal, Law/Technology (volume 36 onwards).

FLARE - Foreign Law Research

FLARE is a collaborative project whose aim is to improve the provision of foreign, comparative and international law materials to the UK research community. The project members are the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Library, the Bodleian Law Library, the Squire Law Library, the British Library, and the School of Oriental and African Studies Library.

International Portal of the University of Alicante on Intellectual Property and Information Society

This website is produced by the Law Faculty of the University of Alicante in Spain. It covers industrial and intellectual property law and the information society and is aimed at researchers, students, and professionals. The site provides a database of national, international and European Union legislation (in the original language) and a set of links to other relevant websites.

Open Society Justice Initiative

The Open Society Justice Initiative is a programme of the Open Society Institute, a private foundation established by the philanthropist George Soros in 1993. It is concerned with the promotion of law reform, the protection human rights and the development of international law. The site gives details of current and past activities, covering areas such as national criminal justice reform, international justice, freedom of information and expression, equality and citizenship, anti-corruption and development of legal capacity.

CVCE (Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l'Europe)

The CVCE website brings together resources relating to the history of European integration. Based at the University of Luxembourg, the CVCE website covers key events in the history of Europe and the development of the European Union, Western European Union, Council of Europe, European Free Trade Association and Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Primary source documents, treaties, papers, cartoons, photographs and multimedia clips are provided. The section "ENA and Education" includes online textbooks, courses and lectures.

vLex Justis

Website of vLex Justis a subscription service providing online legal information including legislation, case law, administrative materials, books, journals and legal news. Content covers the United Kingdom, United States, international law and a wide range of other jurisdictions.

International Trade in Agricultural Products: A Research Guide

Online research guide to international trade in agricultural products written by Lee Peoples who is Head of Reference Services at Oklahoma City University Law Library. The guide was published in the features section of in April 2004 and provides an introduction to key sources for researching international agricultural trade law. The guide has background information to international organisations and agreements and to relevant agencies of the United Nations.

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